“sickle cell”的英英意思

单词 sickle cell
释义 sickle cell Path.
[f. sickle n. + cell n.1]
1. One of the characteristic crescent-shaped red cells found in the blood of people with sickle cell anæmia.
[1910Arch. Internal Med. VI. 517 (heading) Peculiar elongated and sickle-shaped red blood corpuscles in a case of severe anemia.]1923Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. XXXIV. 42/2 It may..be appropriate to mention here the relationships of blood grouping to another phenomenon occurring in this family, namely, the presence of the so-called ‘sickle cells’ or crescentic red blood corpuscles.1946Lancet 10 Aug. 204/1 As long as the diagnosis rested on the presence of sickle cells in stained films, the condition was rarely identified.1968Times 13 Nov. 16/1 The membranes of sickle cells took longer to remove than those of normal cells, a difference that could be related to the impaired ability of sickle cells to carry oxygen.
2. attrib., as sickle cell count, sickle cell family, sickle cell individual, sickle cell phenomenon; sickle cell anæmia, disease, a frequently fatal form of anæmia, characterized by the presence of red blood cells that are rich in sickle cell hæmoglobin and sickle readily, and occurring in individuals homozygous for the sickle cell gene: sickle cell gene, an autosomal gene found in man, which when heterozygous produces the sickle cell trait and when homozygous sickle cell anæmia, and which is especially common in tropical Africa; sickle cell hæmoglobin, an abnormal hæmoglobin which tends to produce a characteristic crescent shape in red cells containing it; sickle cell trait, a relatively harmless condition, characterized by the presence of red blood cells containing some sickle cell hæmoglobin and conferring some resistance to malaria; (formerly applied to the characteristic sickling of the red cells which is seen a fortiori in sickle cell anæmia).
1922Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 14 Oct. 1318/2 (heading) Sickle cell anemia.1924Ibid. 5 July 16/1 Several new phases have been brought out since the time, fourteen years ago, when I described what for want of a better term, I [sc. J. B. Herrick] called sickle cell anemia.1969Times 28 Aug. 8/2 The gene for sickle cell anaemia..persists in certain African populations because it confers resistance against malaria.1977Rolling Stone 21 Apr. 8/1 He missed..the appearance of a frightening new phenomenon in the American black community: the replacement of sickle cell anemia with Potomac Fever as the crippling disease among blacks.
1970P. Oliver Savannah Syncopators 41 Those [tribes] on the coast include a large proportion with high counts of the sickle-cell gene making them resistant to malaria and able to withstand heat and high humidity; those in the savannah belt include large numbers of tribes with low sickle-cell counts and lower resistance to malaria.
1949Science 25 Nov. 547/2 (heading) On the genetics of sickle cell disease.1961R. D. Baker Essent. Path. xviii. 492 In sickle cell disease the spleen is often enlarged with intensely red cut surface.1981Westindian World 28 Aug. 13/2 Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder. It only affects African, Afro-Caribbean and Asian people.
1972Science 13 Oct. 138/3 Physicians who treat sickle cell families emphasize the difference between sickle cell anaemia..and sickle cell trait.
1946Lancet 10 Aug. 204/1 It seems clear that the sickle-cell gene originated in Africa and was carried by slaves to North and South America.1961Times 21 July 9/5 The population has a genetic resistance to malaria... They possess what is known as a sickle-cell gene, which results in their haemoglobin being abnormal.
1950Nature 21 Oct. 677/1 Dr. F. Eirich, who had first directed our attention to this peculiar disease, gave us a sample of sickle-cell hæmoglobin solution.1971New Scientist 24 June 762/2 He found that in sickle cell haemoglobin one negatively charged glutamic acid in each of the two normal β chains was replaced by an electrically neutral valine.
1958Oxf. Univ. Gaz. 23 Apr. 892 A study of the physique, growth, and fertility of sickle cell and normal individuals in malarious and non-malarious areas of Nigeria.
1926Amer. Jrnl. Dis. Children XXXII. 334 (heading) The sickle cell phenomenon.1928Lancet 24 Mar. 614/1 Sickle cell or drepanocytic anæmia is found only in negroes with the sickle cell trait—that is, whose red cells become distorted into sickle-shaped cells under certain conditions.1959Listener 26 Nov. 919/2 Sickle cell trait can be found in parts of Africa, in some Mediterranean countries, and in parts of India.1978R. B. Scott Price's Textbk. Pract. of Med. (ed. 12) xiv. 1156/1 In sickle-cell trait where there is only 30–40 per cent haemoglobin S, symptoms are rare.

