
单词 schizo-affective
释义 schizo-aˈffective, a. (n.) Psychol.
Also without hyphen.
[f. schizo- + affective a.]
Exhibiting symptoms of both schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis. Also as n., a schizo-affective person.
1933I. L. Polozker in Amer. Jrnl. Psychiatry XC. 123 We have been in the habit of labeling these cases as psychopathic personalities with schizoid make-up... I think the name of schizoaffective is more appropriate.1933J. Kasanin in Ibid. 126 My cases are not necessarily schizo⁓affective psychoses but schizoaffective personalities.1965J. Pollitt Depression & its Treatment iii. 38 Another criterion of schizo-affective disorder is the appearance of typical features of schizophrenia in circumscribed episodes.1974Nature 18 Jan. 160/2 All of the schizo-affectives had a history of at least five episodes of mania, hypomania or depression.1976Smythies & Corbett Psychiatry x. 185 Cases of schizoaffective psychosis where there is much admixture of depressive symptoms may require a tricyclic anti-depressant in addition.1979Daily Tel. 19 May 3/6 Dowdeswell had had a schizo-affective psychosis which had been cured but could recur.

