
单词 hattrel
释义 hattrel Obs.
Forms: 4 haterel, hat-, haatreel, 5 haterell(e, hatrelle, hattrel.
[ME. a. OF. haterel, hasterel, hatrel, nape of the neck, head.]
The apex or crown of the head; also, the nape of the neck; the neck.
a1325Prose Psalter cxxviii[i]. 4 Our Lord riȝtful shal keruen the haterels of the sinȝers [cervices peccatorum].1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1492 Fra þe haterel oboven þe croun..tyl þe sole of þe fot doun.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. (E.E.T.S.) 80 It wendys vp to þe haterell with attempre hete.14..Nom. in Wr.-Wülcker 674/4 Hec vertex, hatrelle.c1440Partonope 3492 Joye and sorow take hym be the haterell.c1450Henryson Mor. Fab. 35 And strake the Hattrel of his head away.c1475Pict. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 745/14 Hic vertex, a natrelle.

