
单词 indifferently
释义 indifferently, adv.|ɪnˈdɪfərəntlɪ|
[f. indifferent a. + -ly2; but in earliest use directly based on L. indifferenter or F. indifféremment.]
In an indifferent manner; with indifference.
1. Without difference or distinction; equally, alike, indiscriminately.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. v. pr. iii. 122 (Camb. MS.) So þat he wite egaly, as who seyth indifferently, þat thinges mowen ben doon or elles nat ydoon.c1400Apol. Loll. 30 Ilk prest of Crist was callid indifferently prest and bischop.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Gal. 12 What lette shoulde there be, why God shoulde not indifferently coumpte all for his chyldren?1600Holland Livy ii. xxxiii. 66 The same yeare died Menenius Agrippa, a man..beloved indifferently [L. pariter] of the Senatours and the Commons.1709Steele Tatler No. 57 ⁋2 All Mankind are indifferently liable to adverse Strokes of Fortune.1756Burke Subl. & B. ii. ii, They frequently use the same word, to signify indifferently the modes of astonishment or admiration and those of terrour.1880Geikie Phys. Geog. iv. 265 At first we might expect to meet with lakes indifferently on any part of the earth's surface.
b. In a position equally convenient as to distance for all parties. Obs.
1655Fuller Ch. Hist. v. ii. §44. 187 A Court is called in the Priory of Dunstable in Bedford-shire, as a favourable place, indifferently distanced.
2. Without bias or prejudice; impartially. Obs.
1430–40Lydg. Bochas v. xxx. (1544) 141 Indifferently his domes demeaning Such one is able to be cleped a kyng.1531–2Act 23 Hen. VIII, c. 5 §5 You..shall trewly and indifferently execute the auctoritie to you geuen.1548–9(Mar.) Bk. Com. Prayer, Commun., That they maye truely and indifferently minister iustice.1617Sir R. Boyle Diary (1886) I. 165 So many mares as shalbe vallued at lxli by two men indifferently to be chose by us bothe.1737Wesley Wks. (1872) I. 53, I..was determined to behave indifferently to all, rich or poor, friends or enemies.1844Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. xix. §6 (1862) 351 Twelve men indifferently chosen, and of a station near his own.
3. With indifference or unconcern; calmly, unconcernedly; carelessly.
1573–80Baret Alv. I 128 But if he shall vnderstand..that you take the matter indifferently or quietly [L. æquo animo].1601Shakes. Jul. C. i. ii. 87 Set Honor in one eye, and Death i'th other, And I will looke on both indifferently.1663Pepys Diary 10 Jan., I answered him [Penn] so indifferently that I think he and I shall be at a distance.1747Gentl. Mag. Apr., But Lovat's fate indifferently we view, True to no king, to no religion true.1848C. Brontë J. Eyre xvii, ‘I have not considered the subject’, said he indifferently, looking straight before him.
4. Without determination either way; neutrally.
1607Shakes. Cor. ii. ii. 19 If he did not care whether he had their loue, or no, hee waued indifferently, 'twixt doing them neyther good, nor harme.a1716Bp. O. Blackall Wks. (1723) I. 53 Whether they be our Friends or our Enemies, or indifferently affected towards us.
5. To some extent, in some degree (as intermediate between very or very much and not at all); moderately, tolerably, fairly; esp. indifferently well, pretty well. (Cf. indifferent adv.) Now rare.
c1540tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 28 That everie man, but indifferentlie skilfull maye perceave the crafte.1578Banister Hist. Man i. 19 A certayne rownd and long Processe, indifferently thicke.1599Shakes. Hen. V, ii. i. 58, I haue an humor to knocke you indifferently well.1772–84Cook Voy. (1790) IV. 1227 The churches are not magnificent without; but within are decent, and indifferently ornamented.1855Prescott Philip II, I. i. ii. 13 French he could speak indifferently well.1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. v. i. II. 57 For reasons indifferently good.
b. Not very well; poorly, badly (usually preceded by very or but).
1676tr. Guillatiere's Voy. Athens 110 The Wine they provided was indifferently good, but their water was excellent.1700S. L. tr. Fryke's Voy. E. Ind. 159 He thought I understood my business but very indifferently, since I kept him so long under my hands.1706–7Farquhar Beaux Strat. i. Wks. (Rtldg.) 644/1 We are an inland Town, and indifferently provided with Fish.1855Prescott Philip II, i. vii. (1857) 114 Montmorency..now took the command, for which his rash and impetuous temper but indifferently qualified him.1868Dickens Lett. (1880) II. 339, I rest very indifferently at night.

