
单词 trinketer
释义 I. trinketer1
see trinket v.1
II. ˈtrinketer2 Obs.
[f. trinket n.1 + -er1 1.]
One who attaches importance to trinkets: in quots. used contemptuously in reference to Romish religious observances, etc.: see trinket n.1 3.
1583B. Melbancke Philotimus C iij, These two deludinge trinketters.1659Heylin Certamen Epist. 321 Neither of which (..necessity nor essentiallity) hath hitherto been ascribed to the Cross in Baptism, by any of the greatest Trinketers in the Church of Rome.
So ˈtrinketing a. nonce-wd., having to do with trinkets, toys, or trivial rites and ceremonies.
1679Bp. Croft Let. Popish Idol. 23 Silly Women..pleased with Toys, which makes the weaker Sex much incline to the trinketting Ceremonies of the Papists.

