
单词 roinish
释义 ˈroinish, a. Obs.
Forms: 4 roynyshe, -yssche, 6–7 roynish, 6 roinish.
[f. roin n. + -ish. Cf. next.]
Covered with scale or scurf; scabby, scurvy, coarse, mean, paltry, base.
13..St. Erkenwolde 52 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 267 Þe bordure [was] enbelicit with bryȝt golde lettres, Bot roynyshe were þe resones þat þer one row stodene.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xxiii. 83 (M.), Re[u]mes and radegoundes and roynyssche [al. roynouse] scabbes, Byles and bocches and..agues.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 191 The slouen and the careles man, the roinish nothing nice.1592Nashe Four Lett. Confut. Wks. (Grosart) II. 274 With none but clownish and roynish ieasts dost thou rush vppon vs.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. ii. ii. 8 The roynish Clown, at whom so oft, Your Grace was wont to laugh, is also missing.1629Parkinson Parad. iii. 6 It must be taken vp and new set, or else it will grow too roynish and cumbersome. [1814Scott Wav. ix, Not much unlike one of Shakespeare's roynish clowns.]

