
单词 rounded
释义 ˈrounded, ppl. a.
[f. round v.1]
a. Of persons or their heads: Tonsured; shorn, cropped.
b. Of the hair: Closely cut or trimmed. Obs.
1430–40Lydg. Bochas ix. xiv, Like a byshop rounded and yshorne.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 263 The men of that londe be rowndede in the maner of a cercle, as moche as men be of moore nobilite, in so moche thei be rowndede more hye.1500–20Dunbar Poems lix. 19 He wantis nocht bot a rowndit heid.1577–87Holinshed Chron. I. 120/1 For he was rounded or shauen after the maner of the East church.1605Camden Rem., Epigr. 10 Among whom long bushie haire was the signale mark of Maiestie,..when as all subiects were rounded, and the Kings only long haired.
2. a. Of a convex form; rising with an outward curve or swell on all sides.
1712Parnell Spect. No. 460 ⁋6 The Top of the Building being rounded, bore so far the Resemblance of a Bubble.1795Southey Joan of Arc vii. 349 Where the buckler was beneath Rounded, the falchion struck.1869H. F. Tozer Highl. Turkey I. 19 These tents were circular in form, and rounded towards the top.1878Huxley Physiogr. xix. 337 The rounded surface of the earth.
b. Esp. of hills or rising ground.
1841Spalding Italy & It. Isl. I. 30 The mountains..are rounded in shape.1853Kane Grinnell Exped. xxviii. (1856) 229 At another time, you travel over rounded dunes of old seasoned hummock.1871Kingsley At Last i, A rounded hill some fifteen hundred feet high.
3. Of limbs, etc.: Having a full, swelling form; symmetrical, finely shaped.
1830Tennyson Sea-Fairies 4 The weary mariners..saw..Sweet faces, rounded arms, and bosoms prest To little harps of gold.1855Kingsley Westw. Ho! xxiii, Her stature was taller, her limbs were fuller and more rounded.1863M. E. Braddon Eleanor's Vict. i, The ankle so revealed was rounded and slender.
4. a. Having a roundish or circular, globular or spherical, form.
1834McMurtrie Cuvier's Anim. Kingd. 351 The body is rounded and convex in some, oval or oblong..in others.1851Carpenter Man. Phys. (ed. 2) 184 All stages of gradation may be traced, between simple rounded cavities..and the lenticular lacuna.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 926 The individual lesions..may form large rounded patches.
b. Geol. Made round and smooth by attrition.
1802Playfair Huttonian Th. 51 The fragments of the primary rock..are many of them rounded and worn.1839Ure Dict. Arts 830 Portions of rounded gravel and organic remains.1893Sir H. H. Howorth Glacial Nightmare I. 36 While rounded boulders occur on the mountains, unrounded ones occur in the river beds.
c. Formed into a coil or round. rare.
1845S. Judd Margaret i. xvii, Bull, the dog, lies rounded on the hearth, his nose between his paws, fast asleep.
d. Trimmed to a cylindrical form.
1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 225 The ‘cap’..always of rounded and not of split timber like the lower bars.
5. a. Made round or curved, esp. at an extremity or end.
1796Withering Brit. Pl. (ed. 3) IV. 106 Clefts differing in depth, generally three at the end, which is rounded.1831Knox Cloquet's Anat. 137 At its fore part it is surmounted by a blunt and rounded edge.1846Holtzapffel Turning II. 629 Those angular threads which are rounded at the top and bottom, and which are thence called rounded or round threads.1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 133 The teeth on the under side of the wheel..should be rounded.
b. Curved off.
1856Stonehenge Brit. Rural Sports 476/2 The inside hand lays hold of the loom just where the rounded-off part joins the square.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 1087 The members of which..are characterised by..a rounded-off head carrying a terminal mouth.
c. Of arches; also of architecture, = round-arched).
1859Ruskin Two Paths i. §33 The whole great French school of rounded architecture.1874Symonds Sk. Italy & Greece (1879) 92 Remains of Roman architecture..induced them [sc. artists] to adopt the rounded rather than the pointed arch.1885E. Sanderson Outl. World's Hist. 365 The rounded arch of the Norman style..began to give place..to the pointed arch of..the Gothic architecture.
6. a. Brought to a full, complete, finished, or perfect state; showing no lack or defect.
1746Francis tr. Horace, Epist. i. vi. 60 A thousand talents be the rounded sum You first design'd.1808Scott Let. 2 Nov. in Lockhart, They have begun in a truly manly and rounded manner.1845E. Holmes Life Mozart 258 Hummel was seated at Mozart's piano, and..made such progress as to delight every one with his smooth, brilliant, and rounded execution.1888Burgon Lives 12 Good Men II. xii. 421 His seemed a perfectly rounded life.
b. Of periods: Neatly finished; well turned.
1772Town & C. Mag. 99 To introduce a rounded period or a smart antithesis.1793Burns Address spoken by Miss Fontenelle 13 Can you..With..solemn-rounded sentence, Rouse from his sluggish slumbers fell Repentance?1898G. W. E. Russell Coll. & Recoll. xii. 161 An inexhaustible supply of sonorous phrases and rounded periods.
c. Of a number: having been approximated by rounding; expressed in fewer significant figures. Also with advb.
1947Math. Tables & Other Aids Computation II. 286 He had taken 10-figure logarithms of rounded-off quantities containing only five or six significant figures.1953Proc. IRE XLI. 1271/1 Long Right places the bits to be dropped into the MQ register; Round then leaves a rounded number in the accumulator.1956G. A. Montgomerie Digital Calculating Machines vii. 129 A convenient rule to ensure this is to make the rounded digit even rather than odd in case of doubt.1973Phillips & Taylor Theory & Applic. Numerical Anal. 359 If the amount neglected is exactly ½10-t we can avoid statistical bias by forcing the last digit in the rounded number to be even.
7. Of sounds or the voice: Sonorous, mellow, harmonious.
1860Tyndall Glac. i. ii. 11 The sound was..sometimes broken into rounded explosions.1891Kipling Light that Failed (1900) 222 The voice was fuller and more rounded, because the man knew he was speaking of his best work.
8. Of vowels: Affected by labialization.
1867A. J. Ellis E.E. Pronunc. i. iii. §3. 162 Applied to the rounded or labialised forms of these vowels.1890Sweet Primer Phonetics (1902) 17 Such a vowel..will still retain much of its distinctive rounded character.Ibid. 26 Pairs of rounded and unrounded vowels.
Hence ˈroundedly adv.; ˈroundedness.
1867Contemp. Rev. VI. 266 The very roundedness of intellectual surface he presents..at first sight.1868Tennyson Lucretius 190 Rosy knees and supple roundedness.1878T. Sinclair Mount 81 [It] made Milton's work indefinite and grandiose instead of simply freely roundedly grand.

