
单词 crownal
释义 I. ˈcrownal, n. Obs. or arch.
Also crownel.
[A phonetic variant of coronal, also corounal, cronal.]
A coronet; a garland or wreath for the head; = coronal n. 1, 2.
c1500Lancelot 59 Thar was the flour..Wnclosing gane the crownel for the day.1513Douglas æneis vii. ii. 111 Hir crownell [coronam] picht wyth mony precius stane.1819Shelley Ode Assertors of Liberty v, Bind, bind every brow, With crownals of violet, ivy, and pine.1865S. Evans Bro. Fabian 81, I would melt yon crownal into chessmen.
II. ˈcrownal, a. rare.
[See prec.]
= coronal a.
1836Fraser's Mag. XIV. 256 Her departure placed the crownal rays Of England's throne upon the house which now..Wears..Its diadem upon an honest brow.

