
单词 southwardly
释义 ˈsouthwardly, adv. and a.
[f. prec. + -ly2.]
A. adv.
1. From the south.
1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 25 This guse ȝeirlie in the spring tyme returnes to ws: quhair⁓fra can na man tell: bot southwardlie.1704S. Sewall Diary 25 Aug., The wind was Southwardly.
2. In a southward direction; to or towards the south.
1632Lithgow Trav. x. 443 A large prospect Southwardly towards the Evenise mountaines.1667Lond. Gaz. No. 189/1 A Fleet of 36 laden Colliers put to Sea from this place Southwardly bound.1738G. Whitefield in Life & Jrnls. (1756) 90 A Town situated southwardly above an hundred Miles from Savannah.1796Morse Amer. Geog. (ed. 3) I. 215 Few of them winter there on their return southwardly.1810Vince Astron. xx. 191 The star passed still more southwardly.1880L. Wallace Ben-Hur 173 It curved southwardly out of view.
B. adj. Situated in or directed towards the south; of the wind, blowing from the south.
c1682J. Collins Salt & Fishery 103 Fir for Exportation to Spain or other Southwardly Countries.1704Phil. Trans. XXV. 1657 The morning serene.., with small Southwardly Breezes.1805Ibid. XCVI. 244 The southwardly wind blew fresh.1858Merc. Marine Mag. V. 208 A southwardly course..would be a proper course.

