
单词 hummum
释义 hummum|ˈhʌmʌm|
[Corruption of Arab. ḥammām hot bath (hammam). (Arab. ḥammam, ḥummum means ‘coal, fuel, ashes’.)]
An Oriental bathing establishment; a Turkish bath; a hammam.
A bathing establishment called ‘the Hummums’ is said to have been established in Covent Garden in 1631; it subsequently became a hotel.
1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 35 Found them in an Evening, bathing themselves in a secure Hummum.1688Sir J. Bramston Autobiog. (Camden) 368 Sir Charles Scarborow..aduised takinge the Northhall waters..bleedinge in the arme, and the hummums, which are bathing or swettinge.1701Postman 15 Nov. Advt., The Hummums in Covent Garden having..been neglected..whereby several Persons of Quality have been disgusted and have left off coming thither to sweat and bathe.1712Budgell Spect. No. 347 ⁋10 It is also our Imperial Will and Pleasure, that our good Subjects the Sweaters do establish their Hummums in such close Places.1778Johnson in Boswell 12 May, My wife went to the Hummums (it is a place where people get themselves cupped).1792Wolcott (P. Pindar) Odes of Codol Wks. 1812 III. 100 In Convent Garden, at the Hummums, now I sit.1856Househ. Words XIII. 98 A complete hummums, or pile of buildings devoted to hot and cold baths.1861Dickens Gt. Expect. xlv, I..got a late hackney chariot and drove to the Hummums in Covent Garden.

