
单词 unscrew
释义 unˈscrew, v.
[un-2 3 and 7. Cf. WFris. ont-, ûntskroeve, -je, Du. ontschroeven.]
1. trans. To slacken or detach by turning a screw (either separate or forming part of the thing turned).
1651Davenant Gondibert i. vi. xiii, His Hilts round Pommel he did then unskrew.1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag. v. i. 2 You may unscrew the perpendicular from the sight.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing xxii. ⁋4 He must unskrew the Skrew of his Composing-stick.1722De Foe Plague (1754) 71 They found Ways to unscrew the Locks.1739C. Labelye Piers Westm. Bridge 24 They were secured by proper Iron-work; which being unskrew'd, would permit the Sides..to part asunder.1815J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art II. 24 Shut the stop-cock, and unscrew the syringe.1848Dickens Dombey xlix, He..unscrewed his hook, screwed his fork into its place, and did the honours of the table.1900Hasluck Model Engin. Handybk. 118 This rod..can be lengthened..by unscrewing one of the joints.
b. To remove the stopper from (a flask) by unscrewing.
1653Urquhart Rabelais i. xxiv. 114 He unscrewed his borracho (which was a great Dutch leathern bottle).
c. intr. To undergo, or admit of, being unscrewed.
1822T. Mitchell Aristoph. II. 225 Like the tones of a lyre, When the pins and pegs are unscrewing.1874H. H. Cole Catal. Ind. Art S. Kens. Mus. 166 Amulet Case... It unscrews at one end.1888Rutley Rock-Forming Min. 21 Fitted on a separate stand the foot of which unscrews.
2. fig. (In various applications.)
1605B. Jonson Volpone v. vii, To the Court..will I; and if't be possible, Vn-screw my Aduocate, vpon new hopes.a1616Fletcher, etc. Q. Corinth. iii, I should curse my fortune..to be made the ginne To unscrew a Mothers love unto her Son.1627N. Burley in Capt. Smith Seaman's Gram. a ij, What long trauels..Haue made thee know, thou..do'st vnscrew To those that want like knowledge.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 295 The Thirteenth Chapter would not fail to unscrue the meaning with the considerate and intelligent.1761Churchill Rosciad 468 Courtiers will, like reasonable creatures, Suspend vain Fashion, and unscrew their features.

