
单词 serail
释义 serail Now rare.|səˈreɪl|
Forms: 6 sarail, sarell, 7 serail(l)e, serraill, serrayle, 7– serail.
[a. F. sérail, ad. It. serraglio: see seraglio. Cf. Sp. serrallo.]
1. = seraglio 1.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. ii. xxii. 59 b, [The women's] priuate bathes, which for the most part they haue..within their houses or Sarails.1587Marlowe 1st Pt. Tamburl. iii. iii. 1176 He shall be made a chast and lustlesse Eunuke, And in my Sarell tend my Concubines.1603Florio Montaigne i. xlii. 143 What longing-lust would not be alaide, to see three hundred women at his dispose and pleasure, as hath the Grand Turke in his Seraille?1628Sir R. Le Grys tr. Barclay's Argenis iii. 244 Thou wouldest haue said, that she was brought vp in the warres; they bred in a Serrayle of Women.1786tr. Beckford's Vathek (1883) 65 They consigned them with good commendations to the surgeons of the serail.1808E. S. Barrett Miss-led General 161 A numerous serail must be attended with vast expence.1844Kinglake Eothen iii. 42 Venice..is the bowing slave of the Sultan..she watches the walls of his Serail.1853Kingsley Hypatia xxx, The purest monotheism, they discovered, was perfectly compatible with bigotry and ferocity, luxury and tyranny, serails and bowstrings.
2. = seraglio 3, serai1 2. Obs.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxv. 140 b, Selim builded there for a dwelling place, a fayre and sumptuous Sarail.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1621) 1311 The embassador went himself to the serrail.1687Lond. Gaz. No. 2307/3 The other report is, That the Grand Signior is only kept a close Prisoner in the Serail.1782J. Scott Poet. Wks. 231 And from his high serail the sultan hears The wide Propontis' beating waves resound.
3. A barrack for Turkish soldiers; = seraglio 6.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxv. 140 b, There is besides another Sarail, for the lodging of the Azamoglans or Ianissaries.

