
音标: 英 [ˈhʌntʃbæk] 美 [ˈhʌntʃˌbæk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 驼背
[医] 驼背, 脊柱后突

n an abnormal backward curve to the vertebral column
n a person whose back is hunched because of abnormal curvature of the upper spine


1. I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to cuss hunchbacks.


2. I mean, the gray is super premature, and the hunchback is just a scarf to protect my wings.

那根灰发是长得太早了 驼背只是保护我上翼区的围巾

3. What... what we can't possibly imagine ourselves capable of, we can blame on the ogre, on the hunchback, on the lowly halfbreed.

我们自己想象不出来 就把一切怪在食人魔鬼 敲钟怪人和混种恶魔身上

4. You see this stuffed animal on my shoulder, sort like a hunchback, and this creepy little face is like I have two heads.

你看 我肩上这个毛绒动物 看起来有点像驼背 这张吓人的小脸就像我有两个脑袋

5. One of them, the hunchback, he was kind of creepy and couldn't fight, we didn't bother with, but the others, we suited with our most advanced human exoarmor to create the ultimate warrior.

其中一个 驼背 他有点瘆人 无法战斗 我们就懒得要他 但其余的 我们给他们装备了最先进的人类盔甲 打造出究极战士
