
音标: 英 ['stri:mlainә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 流线型火车, 流线型物, 现代化了之物

n. a streamlined train


1. The most effective science is usually the most streamlined.


2. So we don't have to skip it, but we can do a streamlined version.

我们当然不能跳过这一步 但我们可以来个精简版

3. It's vital for an animal where streamlining is everything.


4. I have so much luggage, and you're so, um, streamlined.

我有好多行李 而你却这么... 轻装简行

5. They're streamlined to perfection and built for speed.

它们的体型呈完美的流线型 为速度而生

6. They've updated the system so it's a lot more streamlined now.

他们升级了系统 所以现在简单多了

7. And then hold the camera up high to streamline your features.

然后举高相机拍 脸看起来小一点

8. My thinking is these creatures are streamlined bloodprocessing machines.

我的想法是 这些东西 是一条生产线上的血液加工机器

9. I downloaded all the paperwork, and filled it out to streamline the process.

我下载了所有的文件 也填写完了 以提高效率

10. Mars' atmosphere is so thin, you don't need a lot of streamlining.

火星的大气很稀薄 不必刻意追求流线型
