
音标: 英 ['spelbaɪnd] 美 ['spelˌbaɪnd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 用妖术迷惑, 迷住

v to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe
v attract strongly, as if with a magnet
v put into a trance


1. The desert still has the power to surprise, to spellbind, and challenge.

这片沙漠蕴含着一种力量 不断惊艳着 萦绕着 吸引着世人来挑战

2. I haven't the faintest doubt that you'll be marvelous, your speech will be spellbinding, and the rally will be a great success.

你一定会表现出色的 这一点我毫不怀疑 你的讲话会引人入胜 集会一定会非常成功的
