
音标: 英 ['veərɪ] 美 [ˈvɛrɪ, ˈværɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 改变, 使多样化
vi. 变化, 有不同, 违反

v. be subject to change in accordance with a variable
v. make something more diverse and varied


1. Each with a varied texture and an earthiness.


2. All the varying people in his message.


3. They're so varied, there's many species of bramble.

各种各样的 这里有各种的树莓

4. In varying color, but they look like me.

虽然她们肤色不同 但她们都跟我长得一模一样

5. Our plants are the most varied and interesting of all the tribes.

我们的植物是所有部族中种类最多 也是最有意思的

6. In precrime, the time horizon would vary.


7. In this particular shed, they actually varied.

在这种厂房里 你得看情况

8. Listen, I am a person of varied intuitions.

听着 我这个人的直觉有很多种

9. they've all met them, and they're in their lives to varying degrees.

他们都见过 他们都不同程度融入了他们的生活

10. These are just some of the letters that came in and they're so varied.

这只是其中的一些信件 而且内容各式各样
