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vt. 把…浸泡于腌泡汁中(marinate的过去式与过去分词形式)

v soak in marinade


1. That fuels the growth of huge blooms of tiny marine creatures, plankton, the foundation of the entire marine food web.

它供养了大量微小的浮游生物的生长 它们正是是海洋食物链的基础

2. Here's a marine stickleback skeleton and what marine sticklebacks have are these very welldefined pelvic spikes, so on their underside they have these very prominent spikes, and they use these spikes for defence because when you live in the ocean, you have some very nasty looking predators.

这里是一条咸水刺鱼的骨骼 咸水刺鱼生有 非常明显的骨刺 在它们腹部有突出的刺 它们用刺防御 因为当你生活在海里 你有长相凶恶的天敌

3. I'm not having it now. It has to marinate.

我又没打算现在喝 需要浸泡

4. They've been marinating on my ship for a while.


5. It's the only lead we have to help my marine.


6. But not all marine life is so resilient.


7. You guys, I'm I'm not a real marine.

哥们 我...不是真正的海军

8. and he's painted this marine on the wall.


9. Marin, they cannot see you like this.

马琳 不能让他们见到你这个样子

10. A *artass, but he was a solid marine.

有點小聰明 但是個不錯的海軍陸戰隊員
