
音标: 英 ['fi:əltɪ] 美 [ˈfiəlti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 忠诚, 忠贞, 忠实

n the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)


1. I offered my fealty, and I am here to offer it again.

我向你献上了我的忠诚 现在我再次献上我的忠诚

2. I offer you my fealty and my service.

我发誓将忠诚于你 臣服于你

3. Those who journey here have given such an exchange for their fealty.

那些到达这里的人们的忠诚 是付出了代价的

4. You'll bring a handmaiden to demonstrate your fealty.

你要带个女仆 以示你的忠诚

5. You mistook my taciturn nature for fealty.


6. You want forgiveness, then show me your fealty.

你们想要原谅 那就展示你们的忠诚给我看

7. My oath of mercy on your friends was premised by your fealty.

我放过你朋友们的誓言 是以你的忠诚为前提

8. You vowed unending fealty to the sisterhood of the coven.


9. Because I don't get on bended knee and pledge fealty to the king.

因为我不会 向国王屈膝效忠

10. I have come to swear to you my allegiance and fealty to you and your family from this day.

我来向您宣誓我的忠诚 从今天起效忠于您和您的家人
