
音标: 英 [ˈsaɪklɒps] 美 [ˈsaɪklɑ:ps]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 独眼巨人, 独眼的人, 独眼畸胎
[医] 剑水蚤属

n. (Greek mythology) one of a race of giants having a single eye in the middle of their forehead
n. minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms


1. Killing a cyclops is the only way to restore a victim.


2. I'm sorry for waking you, but I know how to kill the cyclops.

抱歉吵醒你了 但我知道怎么才能杀死独眼巨人了

3. Not to mention a cyclops is an epically tragic figure.


4. When the birds attacked, most people got away, but you got knocked out by this freaky oneeyed cyclops turkey.

那些鸡冲上来时 大多数人都跑了 但你被这只独眼火鸡 给撞晕了

5. There's someone wriggling with pleasure in his coffin right now thinking of people like your girl walking into the cyclops he left down there.

有人正在他的棺材里愉悦的蠕动 想着像你孙女这样的人 走向他留在那里的独眼巨人
