
词组 low
释义 low BrE /ləʊ/
NAmE /loʊ/
be/run ˈlow (on sth)not have much of sth left 剩下不多;不够;不足We’re running low on fuel. Do you think we’ll have enough to get home?
(at) a low ˈebbnot as good, strong, successful, etc. as usual 处于低潮;状况不佳;衰落Business confidence is at a low ebb at the moment.
Our family fortunes are at a bit of a low ebb.
OPP (on) the crest of a wave NOTE This idiom refers to a very low tide, when the sea is a long way from the land. 这个习语原指低潮,低潮时海水远离陆地。
ˌhigh and ˈlow(search, etc. for sth) in every possible place; everywhere 上上下下,到处(寻找)I’ve been hunting high and low for that pen, where did you find it?我到处都找遍了也没找到那支笔,你是在哪儿找到的?lay sb ˈlow (informal) (of an illness 疾病) cause sb to go to bed or be unable to work normally 使卧床;使无法正常工作That flu laid her low for a couple of weeks.那场流感使她病倒了几个星期。lie ˈlow (informal) hide or keep quiet for a short time (暂时)隐匿,不露面The thieves lay low for a few days in a farmhouse, then tried to leave the country with the money.那些盗贼在一个农舍里躲了几天,然后试图携款离境。adopt, keep, etc. a ˌhigh/ˌlow ˈprofiletry/try not to attract other people’s interest, attention, etc. 尽量惹人/不惹人注目;保持高/低姿态If I were you, I’d try and keep a low profile until she’s forgotten about the whole thing.如果我是你的话,我会保持低调,直到她忘记整件事。In the run-up to the elections all three candidates maintained a high profile.在大选前的竞选期间三位候选人都保持着高姿态。set your sights ˈhigh/ˈlowbe ambitious/not ambitious; expect a lot/little from your life 有/无雄心大志;人生目标高/低If you set your sights high, you could do anything.如果你志向高远,一切皆有可能。ˌsink so ˈlowsink to sthhave such low moral standards that you do sth very bad 堕落到如此地步;沉沦到某种程度Stealing from your friends? How could you sink so low?居然偷到自己的朋友头上了?你怎么能堕落到这种地步?I can’t believe that anyone would sink to such depths.我无法相信居然会有人堕落到这种程度。be in high/low ˈspirits ( in good/poor ˈspirits) be happy and cheerful/sad and miserable 情绪高涨/低落John was in rather low spirits all evening.约翰一晚上都闷闷不乐。 ˌhigh-ˈspirited, ˌlow-ˈspirited


high-spirited children兴高采烈的孩子们
stoop so ˈlow (as to do sth) (written) lower your moral standards far enough to do sth bad or unpleasant 卑鄙(或堕落)到…地步I hope none of my friends would stoop so low as to steal.我希望我的朋友没有一个会堕落到偷东西的地步。She suggested placing an ad in a magazine for a boyfriend, but I’d never stoop so low.她建议在杂志上登广告征男友,可是我决不会掉价到这个地步。

