
词组 holies
释义 holies BrE /ˈhəʊlɪz/
NAmE /ˈhoʊlɪz/
ˌholy of ˈholies (humorous) a special place which only particular people can enter 圣地(只特许某些人进入的地方)This room is the holy of holies. It contains the most valuable books in the world.这个房间是块圣地,保存着世界上最珍贵的图书。The boss invited me into his holy of holies this morning. What a fantastic office he’s got!今早老板邀我去他的圣地,他的办公室真是太棒了! NOTE In a Jewish temple, the holy of holies is the inner part, which only the chief priest can enter. * holy of holies 是犹太教神庙中只有祭司长才能进入的内殿。

