
词组 seams
释义 seams /siːmz/ SEE ALL
be bursting/bulging at the ˈseams (with sth) ( be full to ˈbursting (with sth)) (informal) be very or too full (of sth) 太满;过于拥挤;人满为患All of our schools are bursting at the seams; we have to build new ones urgently.
come/fall apart at the ˈseams (informal) begin to fail or collapse 破裂;开始瓦解;崩溃The Government’s economic policy is falling apart at the seams.政府的经济政策开始失效了。After only six months, their marriage has come apart at the seams.才刚刚六个月,他们的婚姻就破裂了。 NOTE If a piece of clothing comes apart at the seams, it begins to separate along the lines where the pieces of cloth are sewn together. * come apart at the seams 原指衣服的线缝开裂。 ˌfray at/around the ˈedges/ˈseamsstart to come apart or to fail 开始崩溃;瓦解Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.对这位领导人的支持已经开始瓦解。 NOTE If cloth frays, the threads in it start to come apart. * fray 指布料“磨损,绽开”。

