
单词 强力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕Join the two pieces of wood using a strong glue. 用强力胶水把这两块木头黏合起来。朗文写作活用〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕He was a strong, vital man, successful and content with his life. 他是个身强力壮、充满活力的人,事业成功,对生活满足。朗文写作活用〔able-bodied〕We need several able-bodied men and women to help with the project.我们需要一些身强力壮的男女来帮忙做这个项目。韦氏高阶〔abrasive〕You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.你得用强力磨料才能把这个洗碗槽擦洗干净。剑桥高阶〔adhesive〕Glue the mirror in place with a strong adhesive.用强力胶把镜子固定。外研社新世纪〔adhesive〕Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.用强力胶将镜子固定到位。柯林斯高阶〔adhesive〕You'll need a strong adhesive to attach the boards.你需要强力黏合剂来粘这些板子韦氏高阶〔adhesive〕You'll need a/some strong adhesive to mend that chair.你得用一种/一些强力黏合剂才能修好那把椅子。剑桥高阶〔alkaloid〕Morphine and cocaine are powerful alkaloids.吗啡和可卡因是强力的生物碱。剑桥高阶〔beta-endorphin〕An endorphin produced by the pituitary gland that is a potent pain suppressant.β-内啡肽:由垂体腺产生的内啡肽,是强力止痛剂美国传统〔bonding〕The superglue may not create a bond with some plastics.强力胶水可能无法粘住某些塑料。柯林斯高阶〔bond〕The superglue may not create a bond with some plastics.这种强力胶可能无法黏合某些塑胶制品。外研社新世纪〔build〕These exercises will help you build up your strength.这些运动将有助于你增强力量。韦氏高阶〔coloured〕This is a highly coloured version of events, and illustrates how stories are embellished with time.这是一个经过强力渲染的事件, 表明了故事会如何随着时间被添油加醋。外研社新世纪〔combine〕Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.他们的体制似乎是将强力政府与比例代表制这两种理想相结合了。外研社新世纪〔constitution〕He has a strong constitution.他身强力壮。英汉大词典〔counterpoise〕His robust strength was a counterpoise to the disease.他身强力壮,抵抗得了那疾病。英汉大词典〔crepe〕Use a crepe bandage to support the affected area.用强力绷带托住伤处。柯林斯高阶〔dint〕To impress or drive in forcibly.用力压,强力驱动美国传统〔force〕Use a strong jet of water to force blockages out of the pipe.用强力喷水把堵塞物冲出水管。麦克米伦高阶〔gelignite〕We need a bit of gelignite or a detonator.我们需要一点强力炸药或一个雷管。文馨英汉〔glue〕The sheets are glued together with strong adhesive.薄片用强力胶粘在一起。朗文当代〔hit〕He took a hit of LSD.他注射了一剂强力迷幻药。韦氏高阶〔hold together〕The box was held together by a strong glue.这盒子是用一种强力胶粘起来的。韦氏高阶〔hyperventilate〕To breathe abnormally fast or deeply so as to effect hyperventilation.强力呼吸:不正常地快呼吸或深呼吸,从而达到强力呼吸美国传统〔hyperventilate〕To subject to hyperventilation.惯做强力呼吸美国传统〔join〕Join the two pieces of wood with strong glue.用强力胶水把两块木头黏合起来。朗文当代〔join〕Join the two pieces together using strong glue.用强力胶把这两片粘起来。剑桥高阶〔kick〕The high-powered rifle kicked upon being fired.强力的步枪一射击就反撞美国传统〔maximum〕She took some maximum-strength medicine for her headache.她服用了一些强力止痛药治疗她的头痛。韦氏高阶〔medicament〕They gave him more powerful medicaments.他们给了他更多强力的药物。文馨英汉〔nozzle〕If he put his finger over the nozzle he could produce a forceful spray.如果他把手指按在喷嘴上,就可以产生强力的喷射。柯林斯高阶〔nozzle〕If he put his finger over the nozzle, he could produce a forceful spray.如果他用手指头按住喷嘴, 就可以造成强力喷射。外研社新世纪〔opposed〕This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to(= rather than)strength.这项锻炼不是增强力量,而是增强柔韧性的。牛津高阶〔overpower〕To overcome or vanquish by superior force; subdue.制服:以较强力量征服或打败;压制美国传统〔plan〕The president will now press ahead with his plans for reform.总统现将强力推行自己的改革方案。牛津搭配〔puissance〕Power; might.威力;强力美国传统〔resilient〕The local economy is remarkably resilient.当地经济现在强力复苏。韦氏高阶〔robust〕He is in robust health.他身强力壮。韦氏高阶〔shape〕The players were in poor condition, but the coach quickly whipped/licked/knocked/got them into shape.队员们的身体素质差,但教练很快就把他们训练得身强力壮了。韦氏高阶〔sinew〕Vigorous strength; muscular power.充沛的力量;强力美国传统〔sinsemilla〕A highly potent form of marijuana obtained from unpollinated female plants.精育无籽大麻:从不传粉的雌性植株中提取的强力大麻美国传统〔slam dunk〕Basketball A dramatic forceful dunk shot.【篮球】 灌篮:戏剧性的强力扣篮美国传统〔spoil〕To take by force.用强力夺取美国传统〔stick back〕He stuck the ear back on with superglue.他用强力黏合剂把这只耳朵重新粘上。外研社新世纪〔strongly〕Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.用强力胶把镜子牢牢地粘上。柯林斯高阶〔strong〕Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.用强力胶把镜子牢牢地粘上。外研社新世纪〔strong〕Morphine is a strong drug.吗啡是强力药物。韦氏高阶〔suck out〕The air is sucked out by a high-powered fan.通过强力风机把空气抽出去。外研社新世纪〔suck〕The air is sucked out by a high-powered fan.由强力风机把空气吸出去。柯林斯高阶〔supporter〕Jarvis is a strong supporter of the European Union.贾维斯是欧盟的强力拥护者。麦克米伦高阶〔tape〕I sealed up the package with strong adhesive tape.我用强力胶带把包裹封住了。牛津搭配〔tide〕If caught in a rip tide, strong swimmers should swim for shore.如果陷入裂流,身强力壮的游泳者应该向岸边游。牛津搭配〔tolerate〕Union activity was officially tolerated but strongly discouraged.工会活动虽经官方容许,却被强力阻挠。牛津搭配〔treacherous〕The tides are treacherous and only strong swimmers can make it.潮水变化莫测充满危险,只有身强力壮的游泳能手才能游过去。英汉大词典〔unitard〕A one-piece tight-fitting leotard and tights combination, sometimes with foot straps.强力全身紧身衣:一件上下连身的紧置紧身衣和紧身衣裤的结合,有时有脚带美国传统〔vigor〕Strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity.魄力,气势:坚定的信念;热情或者强力美国传统〔with a bang〕She took some time off last year, but she's back with a bang with her new album.她去年休息了一段时间,但是今年强力回归,发行了新专辑。剑桥高阶A strong household bleach might rot the fibers. 强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。译典通Buy the most powerful system you can afford.购买你能支付得起的最强力系统。牛津商务I need a very strong glue so I'm using epoxy (resin).我需要一种强力胶,所以我用环氧树脂。剑桥国际Join the two pieces together using strong glue.用强力胶把这两片粘起来。剑桥国际One of the patients became violent and had to be physically restrained by two of the nurses.一个病人变得狂暴,要两名护士强力制服他。剑桥国际Showers with pumps are more expensive, but they deliver a really powerful gush of water.有泵的淋浴设备要贵一些,但可以喷出真正的强力水流。剑桥国际The government are to step up their attempt to wage war against/on drugs.政府增强力度,开展反毒品斗争。剑桥国际The young man has a strong constitution. 这位年轻人身强力壮。译典通They were rapping about powerful black women.他们在快板吟唱身强力壮的黑人妇女。剑桥国际You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.你需要一种强力磨料来清洁这个洗涤槽。剑桥国际

