
单词 得到帮助
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARRY〕Unmarried mothers can usually receive help from the State or Federal governments. 未婚母亲通常可以从州政府或联邦政府那里得到帮助朗文写作活用〔appeal〕They appealed for help.他们恳请得到帮助外研社新世纪〔at hand〕We want to ensure that help is at hand (= easily available) for all children suffering abuse.我们想确保所有遭受虐待的儿童都能随时得到帮助剑桥高阶〔complain〕She complained bitterly about the lack of help she received.她对自己没有得到帮助而愤愤地抱怨。牛津搭配〔deep〕His craving for help was deep.他想得到帮助的欲望很强烈。英汉大词典〔definitely〕Some old people want help; others most definitely do not.有些老人想要得到帮助,有些却根本不需要。牛津高阶〔deserving〕The church provides aid to deserving families.教堂向应该得到帮助的家庭提供援助。韦氏高阶〔deserving〕This family is one of the most deserving cases.这是最应当得到帮助的一户人家。牛津高阶〔disability〕He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability.他因身有残疾有资格得到帮助牛津高阶〔fast〕You need to get help fast! 你需要马上得到帮助麦克米伦高阶〔get〕We need to get help quickly! 我们需要马上得到帮助朗文当代〔hand〕Help is always at hand if you need it.如果需要,你随时都能得到帮助麦克米伦高阶〔inexperienced〕They are young inexperienced parents and need support.他们是些缺乏经验的年轻父母,需要得到帮助剑桥高阶〔integration〕The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.这个家庭由于融入更广阔的社会关系网而得到帮助朗文当代〔plea〕He made a plea for help/mercy.他恳求得到帮助/宽恕。剑桥高阶〔shit〕In dire circumstances with no hope of help.情况危急而且没有得到帮助的希望美国传统He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability.由于残疾,他有资格得到帮助牛津商务We want to ensure that help is at hand (=easily available) for all children suffering abuse.我们想确保所有遭受虐待的孩子能容易地得到帮助剑桥国际

