
单词 并驾齐驱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apace〕In such a way or at such a speed as to keep up the requisite momentum; abreast.齐头并进地,并驾齐驱地:以某种方式或速度来保持必要动力地;并肩地美国传统〔apace〕We should keep apace of the times.我们必须与时代并驾齐驱文馨英汉〔be abreast of〕His car was abreast of the leading car.他的车和跑在头里的车并驾齐驱21世纪英汉〔bear up with〕She bore up with her schoolmates.她与她的同学们并驾齐驱21世纪英汉〔bear up〕He bore up with his classmates.他与同学们并驾齐驱21世纪英汉〔day one〕On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck.从大选开始第一天起, 国家党同自由党的领导人就一直并驾齐驱, 不分上下。外研社新世纪〔draw〕Montgomery drew level with Greene in the 100 metres final, but never passed him.在100米决赛中蒙哥马利和格林并驾齐驱,但却一直未能超过他。剑桥高阶〔drop〕He started out with the leaders but at the first fence he dropped back.起跑时他和领先的选手并驾齐驱,但到第一栏时落后了。朗文当代〔get abreast of〕Scientists have to work hard to get abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in their field.科学家必须努力工作才能与他们研究领域中的最新发现和进展并驾齐驱21世纪英汉〔head-to-head〕The horses ran mostly head-to-head.这几匹马几乎是并驾齐驱美国传统〔history〕Throughout history, centralisation, civilisation and progress have marched together.在整个历史中, 中央集权、文明与发展一直并驾齐驱外研社新世纪〔keep〕To stay even with others, as in a contest.并列:与其他人并驾齐驱,如在比赛中美国传统〔leader〕She was among the leaders of the race from the start.比赛一开始她就与领先的几位选手并驾齐驱牛津高阶〔level pegging〕Both teams are level pegging.目前两队并驾齐驱剑桥高阶〔level〕For most of the race he was level with the leader.他绝大部分时候和领先的选手并驾齐驱麦克米伦高阶〔match〕The two runners were matching each other stride for stride.两名赛跑运动员并驾齐驱韦氏高阶〔neck and neck〕Nip and tuck, as in a race.并驾齐驱:在比赛中不相上下的美国传统〔neck and neck〕The two horses were running neck and neck to the finish line.两匹马并驾齐驱跑向终点线。韦氏高阶〔pace〕Rodney knew I was trying very hard to keep pace with him.罗德尼知道我在努力地想要和他并驾齐驱外研社新世纪〔pull ahead〕The two runners were side by side until one pulled ahead.两位跑步运动员一直并驾齐驱,直到其中一人胜出。韦氏高阶〔pull〕This subsidiary company may pull even with its parent company in business.这家子公司的营业可能会与其母公司并驾齐驱英汉大词典〔remain abreast of〕China has to develop her economy to remain abreast of other countries.中国必须发展经济以便与其他国家并驾齐驱21世纪英汉〔stay〕I will be able to stay with Johnson in the first 50 metres.在头50米,我能与约翰逊并驾齐驱跑得一样快。21世纪英汉

