
单词 求和
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕The move represented a departure from the government's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the crisis. 这一行动与政府为此次危机寻求和平解决办法的承诺不一致。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Some of the strikers came barging into the meeting and demanded to speak with the directors. 一些罢工者闯进会场要求和董事谈话。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕Most of the workers are against industrial action, but are asking for talks with employers. 大多数工人反对劳工行动,而是要求和雇主谈判。朗文写作活用〔aesthete〕One whose pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as excessive or affected.唯美主义者:被认为是过于或装假追求和崇拜美的人美国传统〔answer〕When they answered, he asked to talk to Lee.他们接了电话, 他要求和李通话。外研社新世纪〔aware〕Candidates are now also much more emotionally and socially aware.候选人现在对情感需求和各种社会问题的了解也多得多了。外研社新世纪〔balance〕We have to balance the needs and tastes of all our customers.我们得平衡所有顾客的需求和趣味。麦克米伦高阶〔because〕The President has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks with the United States.总统玩了一场高明的外交游戏,因为从一开始他就要求和美国直接对话。柯林斯高阶〔believe〕I believe the search for peace to be my duty.我把寻求和平看作自己的责任。英汉大词典〔breakthrough〕We have achieved a real breakthrough in the search for peace.在寻求和平上我们已取得了真正的突破。牛津搭配〔charge〕He asked to speak to the person in charge.他要求和负责人说话。朗文当代〔clamour〕The people were clamouring for peace.人民大声疾呼要求和平.21世纪英汉〔concern〕He loved his wife, and concerned himself with her needs and desires.他爱他的妻子,很关心她的需求和愿望。朗文当代〔conspire〕Falling demand and high interest rates have conspired to produce a big drop in profits.不断下降的需求和高利率凑在一起导致利润大幅下降。麦克米伦高阶〔cri de coeur〕An impassioned outcry, as of entreaty or protest.大声请求,大声恳求:被动地大声喊叫,如请求和恳求时美国传统〔dearly〕We seek peace dearly.我们热切地追求和平。文馨英汉〔deflect〕Violence will not deflect us from seeking a peaceful political settlement to the problems.暴力不会阻挡我们寻求和平的政治途径来解决这些问题。麦克米伦高阶〔demand〕How do they cope with the conflicting demands of work and family life? 他们怎样平衡工作需求和家庭生活需求之间的矛盾?牛津搭配〔desire〕The magazine tries to attend to the needs and desires of its readers.那本杂志力求关注读者的需求和愿望。韦氏高阶〔desirous〕The enemy is so desirous of peace that he will agree to any terms.敌方急欲求和, 什么条件都会答应。外研社新世纪〔desirous〕The enemy is so desirous of peace that he will agree to any terms.敌方急欲求和,什么条件他都会答应。柯林斯高阶〔each〕We each have different needs and interests.我们每个人都有不同的需求和兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔effort〕Church leaders are prepared to meet the terrorists in an effort to (=in order to try to) find peace.教会领袖为寻求和平准备与恐怖分子见面。朗文当代〔endgame〕A diplomatic endgame is under way to find a peaceful solution.正在为寻求和平解决进行最后的外交斡旋。剑桥高阶〔golden〕He says there's a golden opportunity for peace which must be seized.他说务必抓住这个谋求和平的绝佳机会。柯林斯高阶〔hedonism〕Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.享乐:对快乐,尤其是感官快感的追求和热爱美国传统〔incline〕Domestic unrest inclined him to seek peace in external relations.国内的动荡使他有意从对外关系中寻求和平。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕I asked to speak to the manager but he wasn't in.我要求和经理谈话,但他不在办公室。麦克米伦高阶〔large〕The people at large want peace.大多数人要求和平。英汉大词典〔miserable〕My boss is making my life thoroughly/utterly miserable with her constant demands and criticism.我的老板不断地对我提出要求和批评,让我的日子十分难过。韦氏高阶〔need〕These nouns denote a condition in which something essential is required or wanted; they also refer to that which is required or wanted.这些名词都指处于对必需品的要求和需求的一种状况;它们也指需要的或要求的东西。美国传统〔pacific〕Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing.求和的:试图减小或停止冲突的;平息的美国传统〔pax〕A small flat tablet adorned with a sacred image that worshippers kiss when offered the kiss of peace.圣像牌:有圣像装饰的小牌,让作弥撒的教徒亲吻以祈求和美国传统〔peaceful〕He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict.他试图寻求和平解决奥赛梯冲突的方案。柯林斯高阶〔peaceful〕He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict.他试图寻求和平解决奥赛梯冲突的方法。外研社新世纪〔peaceful〕The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful.这个组织的宗旨完全是追求和平。牛津高阶〔pray〕Many were secretly praying for a compromise.很多人在暗中祈求和解。柯林斯高阶〔pursue〕He urged all sides in the conflict to pursue peace.他敦促冲突各方寻求和平。麦克米伦高阶〔quest〕World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.世界各国领导人现在团结起来寻求和平。朗文当代〔reconciled〕Negotiators must now work out how to reconcile these demands with American demands for access.谈判人员现在必须想办法调和这些要求和美国人想要参与的要求。柯林斯高阶〔reconciliation〕He sought reconciliation with those he had stolen from.他想与那些曾被他盗窃的人寻求和解。牛津搭配〔search〕Nonetheless there are signs that both sides may be searching for a compromise.然而,有迹象表明双方可能都在寻求和解。柯林斯高阶〔seller's market〕A market condition characterized by high prices and a supply of commodities falling short of demand.卖方市场:以市场供给少于需求和价格高为特征的市场状况美国传统〔sensitivity〕She has always shown a sensitivity to audience needs and tastes.她对观众的需求和口味总是很照顾。朗文当代〔sister〕Ask to speak to the sister on the ward.请求和病房里的护士长说话。柯林斯高阶〔solution〕Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力。柯林斯高阶〔stone〕He said he would leave no stone unturned in the search for peace.他说他会尽一切努力去寻求和平。柯林斯高阶〔stone〕He said he would leave no stone unturned in the search for peace.他说他会想尽办法寻求和平。外研社新世纪〔strike〕A balance must be struck between meeting housing needs and preserving the environment.必须找到满足住房需求和保护环境之间的平衡点。麦克米伦高阶〔style〕Our children's different needs and learning styles created many problems.孩子们不同的需求和学习方式给我们带来了许多问题。柯林斯高阶〔sue〕He has sued for peace to you.他已经向你求和了。21世纪英汉〔sue〕The rebels were forced to sue for peace.反叛者被迫求和牛津高阶〔sue〕They had hoped to force the North to sue for peace.他们原本是希望能迫使北方求和的。朗文当代〔summation〕The act or process of adding; addition.求和求和的行为或过程;求和美国传统〔tension〕In business, there's always a tension between the needs of customers and shareholders.在商业活动中,客户的需求和股东的需求之间始终存在着矛盾。朗文当代〔thick-skinned〕Largely unaffected by the needs and feelings of other people; insensitive.不敏感的:基本不受他人的要求和感情影响的;不敏感的美国传统〔tightrope〕School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave.学校管理者在社区的要求和孩子们的实际表现之间小心翼翼地平衡局面。柯林斯高阶〔trample〕She accused the government of trampling on the needs and rights of the ordinary citizen.她谴责政府无视普通公民的需求和权利。剑桥高阶〔various〕The male caller asked for various of her male colleagues.那位男性来电者要求和她的各位男同事通话。外研社新世纪〔wheedle〕Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.克罗斯决定用上点恳求和哄劝。外研社新世纪〔window〕The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.国王说现在有寻求和平的短暂机会。柯林斯高阶〔working〕The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored.普通劳动者的需求和意见遭到忽视。柯林斯高阶〔worldling〕One who is absorbed by worldly pursuits and pleasures.俗人,凡人:被世俗的追求和享乐吸引的人美国传统Diplomatic efforts at peace-making have so far proved unavailing.寻求和平的外交努力至今为止证明是徒劳的。剑桥国际He suggested that Churchill was wrong not to have pursued peace with Hitler in 1941.他暗示说丘吉尔在1941年不与希特勒谋求和平是个错误。剑桥国际She pranced into the office and demanded to speak to the manager.她趾高气扬地走进办公室,要求和经理说话。剑桥国际She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.她果断地大步走到桌前要求和经理谈话。剑桥国际There is a certain kinship (= similarity) between desire and violence.渴求和暴力之间有某种相似之处。剑桥国际These changes have been made in an attempt to conciliate (=satisfy) the plan's critics.作出这些变动是为了向该计划的批评者求和剑桥国际You can request a sample or a rep visit.你可以要求提供样品或要求和销售代表面谈。牛津商务

