
单词 比如花
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔airborne〕Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen.许多人对空气传播的污染物过敏,比如花粉。柯林斯高阶〔cycle〕Botany A circular or whorled arrangement of flower parts such as those of petals or sepals.【植物学】 花序:花的圆形或者螺纹状的排列,比如花瓣或者萼片美国传统〔inflexed〕Bent or curved inward or downward, as petals or sepals.内折的:向内或向下弯曲的,比如花瓣和花萼美国传统〔marcescent〕Withering but not falling off, as a blossom that persists on a twig after flowering.凋存的:凋谢但未掉落的,比如花在开完以后仍留在树枝上美国传统〔verticil〕A circular arrangement, as of flowers, leaves, or hairs, growing about a central point; a whorl.轮环生体:围绕着一个中心点生长的环绕体,比如花、叶子或毛发;轮环生体美国传统

