
单词 油脂
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BE〕Oils produced by the skin form a protective barrier against infection and disease. 皮肤分泌的油脂构成了一道预防感染与疾病的屏障。朗文写作活用〔adipocere〕A brown, fatty, waxlike substance that forms on dead animal tissues in response to moisture.尸蜡,脂蜡,尸油:对潮湿起反应而形成于动物尸体组织的一个棕色蜡状油脂物质美国传统〔barn〕The musical 'Grease' made its 1971 debut in an old Chicago tram barn.音乐剧《油脂》1971年在芝加哥的一个旧电车棚里首演。外研社新世纪〔baste〕Baste the turkey at regular intervals.每隔一会儿就给火鸡涂一次油脂剑桥高阶〔baste〕To moisten (meat, for example) periodically with a liquid, such as melted butter or a sauce, especially while cooking.在…上滴(浇、抹)油脂:尤指烹调(肉类)时,间歇地淋上一种液体加以润湿,如溶化了的奶油或酱汁美国传统〔blubber〕The thick layer of fat between the skin and the muscle layers of whales and other marine mammals, from which an oil is obtained.鲸脂:鲸和其它海洋哺乳动物的表皮层肌肉层之间的厚层,含有油脂美国传统〔build up〕Slowly a thick layer of fat builds up on the pan's surface.慢慢地,平底锅表面积起了一层厚厚的油脂柯林斯高阶〔butterfat〕The natural fat of milk from which butter is made, consisting largely of the glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids.乳脂:牛奶中的天然脂肪,是奶油的成分之一,主要由含有油酸、硬脂酸和软脂酸的甘油脂混合物构成美国传统〔candle〕A solid, usually cylindrical mass of tallow, wax, or other fatty substance with an axially embedded wick that is burned to provide light.蜡烛:通常是由动物油脂、蜡或其它脂肪物质构成的固态柱状物体,轴心中有烛绳,被点燃以照明美国传统〔cleanser〕A detergent, powder, or other chemical agent that removes dirt, grease, or stains.清洁剂:去除灰尘、油脂或污渍的清洗液、粉末或其它化学药品美国传统〔clog〕The sink was clogged by/with dirt and grease.水槽被污物和油脂堵住了。韦氏高阶〔confit〕Meat, such as duck, that has been salted and then cooked and preserved in its own fat.康非腌肉:盐腌制后再用其自身油脂煮熟并保存的肉,如鸭肉美国传统〔cush〕A dish made by frying or boiling cornmeal or crumbled cornbread with grease and often other ingredients such as pieces of meat or onion.煎玉米饼,煮玉米糊:借着把玉米粉或碎玉米面包与油脂和其它原料,如肉片或洋葱片,油炸或蒸煮的菜肴美国传统〔cut〕Lye cuts grease.碱液能分解油脂英汉大词典〔deeply〕It removes deeply embedded dirt and grease so allowing your horse's skin to breathe more easily.它可以清除厚积的尘垢和油脂,让马的皮肤更加自在地呼吸。柯林斯高阶〔detergent〕A cleansing substance that acts similarly to soap but is made from chemical compounds rather than fats and lye.清洁剂:一种用化合物而不是油脂和碱液制成的用于清洁的物质,其作用类似于肥皂美国传统〔dope〕They coated the water pipelines with a corrosive-resisting dope.他们给水管涂上了防腐蚀油脂英汉大词典〔drain off〕The ridged design of the pan allows excess fat to drain off.平底锅脊状突起的设计可以让多余的油脂流走。外研社新世纪〔drain〕After cooking the meat, drain off the excess fat.肉煮好以后把多余的油脂沥干。朗文当代〔drain〕Drain off all fat that cooks out.把煮出来的油脂都撇掉。英汉大词典〔dripping〕Often drippings The fat and juices exuded from roasting meat, often used in making gravy. 常作 drippings 油滴,汁滴:从烤肉上渗出的油脂或汁滴,常用于做肉汁美国传统〔dubbin〕An application of tallow and oil for dressing leather.革用软化防水油脂美国传统〔enfleurage〕A process in making perfume in which odorless fats or oils absorb the fragrance of fresh flowers.花香吸取法:制造香水的一道工序,此工序中无味的油脂及油吸取新鲜花的芬芳香味美国传统〔fat-soluble〕Soluble in fats or fat solvents.脂溶的:可溶于油脂的,脂溶的美国传统〔fatty〕Characteristic of fat; greasy.油脂性的:有脂肪的特性;油脂性的美国传统〔fatty〕Don't eat fatty food or chocolates.不要吃油脂食物或巧克力。外研社新世纪〔fat〕A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose tissue of animals and in the seeds, nuts, and fruits of plants.动物油脂,植物油脂:此种成分的混合物,广泛存在于有机组织里,特别是在动物的脂肪组织、以及植物的种子、坚果以及水果里美国传统〔fat〕Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups.脂肪,油脂:柔软的、固态的或半固态的有机成分,包括甘油酯、脂肪酸以及它们的衍生有机成分美国传统〔fat〕Cream has a high fat content .奶油脂肪含量很高。朗文当代〔fat〕Cut down drastically on unhealthy fats.要大量减少不健康油脂的摄入。牛津搭配〔fat〕Eat a diet low in total fat.要吃含总油脂量低的食物。牛津搭配〔fat〕Fat dripped from the roasting joint of beef.油脂从烤着的牛腿上滴下。英汉大词典〔fat〕Ice cream is high in fat and sugar.冰激凌的油脂和糖分含量高。牛津搭配〔fat〕Nuts contain a lot of fat.坚果含有很多油脂韦氏高阶〔fat〕Reduce the amount of fat in your diet.要减少食物中的油脂量。麦克米伦高阶〔fat〕She has cut out fat altogether in an effort to lose weight.她为了减肥,一点儿油脂也不吃。牛津搭配〔fat〕The ester of glycerol and one, two, or three fatty acids.油脂:甘油脂或一、二、三脂肪酸美国传统〔fat〕This cheese has a lot of fat in it.这种奶酪含有很多油脂牛津搭配〔fat〕This product contains no animal fat.本产品不含动物油脂剑桥高阶〔filled milk〕Skim milk with vegetable oils added to substitute for butterfat.加有植物油的牛奶:用加入食物油脂来代替黄油的牛乳美国传统〔flense〕To strip the blubber or skin from (a whale, for example).割取(如鲸)的油脂或剥皮美国传统〔flour〕Grease and flour the tins thoroughly.细细地给烤盘涂一层油脂并撒满面粉。剑桥高阶〔glassine〕A nearly transparent, resilient glazed paper resistant to the passage of air and grease.玻璃纸:一种近乎透明的,有弹性的光滑料纸,不透气和抗油脂美国传统〔grease pencil〕A pencil of hard grease mixed with colorings, used especially for marking on glossy or glazed surfaces.油脂铅笔:以硬油脂混以颜料为笔芯的铅笔,尤用于在光滑的或上釉的表面上做记号美国传统〔grease〕Grease the tins well before adding the cake mixture.在烤盘里面涂好油脂,然后再把蛋糕混合料加进去。剑桥高阶〔grease〕Grease two ovenproof dishes.给两个耐热盘子抹一点油脂外研社新世纪〔grease〕He could smell the bacon grease.他闻到一股腌肉的油脂味儿。柯林斯高阶〔grease〕Many Indians greased their bodies.许多印第安人用油脂涂抹身体。英汉大词典〔grease〕Place the cakes on a lightly greased baking tray.把蛋糕放在涂了少量油脂的烤盘上。牛津搭配〔grease〕Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray.把这些冻卷儿放到涂过油脂的烤盘上。外研社新世纪〔grease〕Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering.油脂;动物脂:软的或溶化的动物油脂,尤指熬炼过的美国传统〔grease〕Take those chickens and fry the breasts in grease.把那几只鸡拿去,胸肉用油脂煎一煎。英汉大词典〔hushpuppy〕A small, round or slightly oblong cake of cornmeal fried in deep fat.油炸玉米团粉:一种用大量油脂炸成的,小的圆形或略呈长方形的糕点美国传统〔in〕There is a lot of fat in cheese and butter.奶酪和黄油中含有大量油脂麦克米伦高阶〔lamb〕Laura was basting the leg of lamb.劳拉正往羔羊腿上浇抹油脂柯林斯高阶〔leaf lard〕High-grade lard made from leaf fat.板油脂:用猪板油制成的优质猪油美国传统〔learn〕She learned from experience that when grease catches on fire, you shouldn't put water on it.她从经验中得知,油脂着火时,切忌往上浇水。韦氏高阶〔lubricant〕A substance, such as grease or oil, that reduces friction when applied as a surface coating to moving parts.润滑剂:一种象油脂或汽油的物质,被擦在运动部分表面时可减少摩擦美国传统〔nutritive〕Watermelon seeds contain highly nutritive oil.西瓜籽还有营养丰富的油脂剑桥高阶〔oily〕Cleansing creams leave an oily film on the face.洁面霜在脸上留下薄薄的一层油脂外研社新世纪〔pair〕They first paired up in the screen adaptation of 'Grease'.他们首次合作是在电影改编版的《油脂》中。朗文当代〔pastry〕Dough or paste consisting primarily of flour, water, and shortening that is baked and often used as a crust for foods such as pies and tarts.油酥面团:烘烤过的,主要由面粉、水和松栈油脂构成的且常用作馅饼或果馅饼等食物的外壳的面团或面糊美国传统〔pemmican〕A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.肉糜压缩饼:一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品美国传统〔pinguid〕Fat; oily.含油脂的;油腻的美国传统〔pound cake〕A rich, finely textured yellow cake containing a large proportion of eggs, flour, butter, and sugar.磅饼,加畜奶酒糕:含有较大比例鸡蛋、面粉、黄油及糖的富含油脂、口感很好的黄色蛋糕美国传统〔render〕It's important to render the fat from the duck.重要的是要把鸭肉中的油脂熬出来。韦氏高阶〔replace〕I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.我把所有的油脂清除干净,然后用油来代替,从而使它在低温条件下运转得更好。柯林斯高阶〔shea butter〕This product contains avocado oil and shea butter to leave your skin silky smooth.这种产品含鲓梨油和牛油脂,可让你的皮肤如丝般光滑。剑桥高阶〔skim〕After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.把肉用文火炖过后,撇去表面的油脂朗文当代〔skim〕Skim off the fat.将油脂撇去。柯林斯高阶〔skim〕Strain the cooking liquid and skim off the fat.把熬好的汤过滤,撇去油脂剑桥高阶〔slice off〕Slice off the excess fat after you cook the steak.做好牛排后把多余的油脂去除。韦氏高阶〔slush〕A greasy compound used as a lubricant for machinery.润滑油脂:用作机械润滑剂的一种油腻的化合物美国传统〔slush〕Nautical Grease or fat discarded from a ship's galley.【航海】 油脂残渣:船上的厨房所扔弃的油脂美国传统〔smudge〕His face was smudged with grease.他的脸被油脂弄脏了。韦氏高阶〔soak〕The oil soaked into the wood.油脂渗入到木头里。韦氏高阶〔soften〕The oil is used to soften and preserve the leather.这种油脂用来软化和保护皮革制品。韦氏高阶〔solvent〕Ether is commonly used as a solvent for oils and fats.乙醚常被用作油料和油脂的溶剂。牛津搭配〔spatter〕When you cook bacon, the grease spatters everywhere.烹煮咸肉时油脂四处飞溅。韦氏高阶〔spoon off〕Spoon off any fat that comes to the surface.用勺撇掉漂到表面上的任何油脂外研社新世纪〔stage〕The local drama group is staging a production of the musical "Grease".当地剧团正在演出音乐剧《油脂》。剑桥高阶〔suint〕A natural grease formed from dried perspiration found in the fleece of sheep, used as a source of potash.羊毛汗,脂汗:一种在羊毛中发现的、由已干的汗珠形成的天然油脂,可用作钾碱的来源美国传统〔tallow〕Any of various similar fats, such as those obtained from plants.油脂:任一种类似脂肪,如从植物中提炼出的油脂美国传统〔tallow〕To smear or cover with tallow.用油脂弄脏…或覆盖…美国传统〔tankage〕Animal residues that remain after rendering fat in a slaughterhouse, used for fertilizer or feed.箱装肥料或饲料:屠宰场中提取动物油脂后的动物残体,用来作肥料或饲料美国传统〔terebinthine〕Relating to, consisting of, or resembling turpentine.松油脂的:属于或关于松(油)脂的、含松(油)脂的或似松(油)脂的美国传统〔whale oil〕A yellowish oil obtained from whale blubber, formerly used in making soap and candles and as a lubricating oil.鲸油:从鲸脂中获得的黄色油脂,原先用于制造肥皂和蜡烛,并可用作照明油美国传统〔wipe away〕Wipe away grease with our all-purpose cleaner.用我们的多用途清洁剂擦掉油脂韦氏高阶〔work ... in〕Mother put some cream on baby's skin and worked it in gently with her fingers.妈妈在婴儿的皮肤上涂了点油脂并用手轻轻揉擦。21世纪英汉〔xanthoma〕A yellowish-orange, lipid-filled nodule or papule in the skin, often on an eyelid or over a joint.黄瘤:长在皮肤上的一种桔黄色瘤子或丘疹,其中充满油脂。通常长在眼脸或关节上美国传统〔yolk〕A greasy substance found in unprocessed sheep's wool.羊毛油脂:未加工羊毛中的油腻物质美国传统Grease and flour (=put a thin layer of flour on) the tins thoroughly.将那些罐头整个地涂上一层油脂和面粉。剑桥国际Grease and flour the tins well before adding the cake mixture.加蛋糕糊前好好给铁罐涂上油脂和面粉。剑桥国际He felt slightly ill as he looked at the grease oozing from his dinner.当他看到油脂正从他的食物中渗出来时,他感到有点不舒服。剑桥国际Pastry is made from a simple mixture of flour, fat and water.油酥点心是由面粉、油脂和水的简单混合物制成。剑桥国际Strain the cooking liquid and skim off the fat.将煮好的液体过滤,撇去油脂剑桥国际The dinner plates were thick with grease.餐盘沾满厚厚的油脂剑桥国际The turkey is basted to keep it from drying out. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干。译典通The use of industrial solvents to extract fat from the waste products has now been abandoned.采用工业溶剂从作废产品中提取油脂的方法现在已经不再使用了。剑桥国际When cooking mince or other meat dishes, spoon or pour off any extra fat.在煮肉糜及其他肉制品时,应舀出或倒掉多余的油脂剑桥国际

