
单词 各式
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕World-class museums, great theater, outdoor sports -- you name it, this city's got it. 世界一流的博物馆、大戏院,各式各样的户外运动—凡你说得出的,本市都应有尽有。朗文写作活用〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕The table was covered with irresistible chocolate desserts of all descriptions. 桌子上摆满了各式各样令人垂涎的巧克力甜点。朗文写作活用〔COBOL〕A language based on English words and phrases, used in programming digital computers for various business applications.COBOL语言:一种基于英文单词与词组的语言,用于编写数字式计算机的各式各样的商务程序美国传统〔FOOD〕We serve a variety of Thai dishes. 我们供应各式各样的泰式菜肴。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕The Scottish Craft Centre has a fascinating range of pottery, jewellery and textiles for sale. 苏格兰手工艺品中心出售各式各样的极有趣的陶器、珠宝和纺织品。朗文写作活用〔LOST〕The old town is a labyrinth of narrow streets, with shops selling everything you could imagine. 那古镇犹如迷宫一般,狭窄的街道纵横交错,两旁的商店出售各式各样的商品。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Lots of fun for the kids! Rides and games galore! 孩子的开心天地,各式游戏等着你!朗文写作活用〔Presbyterian Church〕Any of various Protestant churches governed by presbyters and traditionally Calvinist in doctrine.(基督教)长老会:由长老控制的各式各样的新教派,传统上信仰卡尔文派教义美国传统〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕We offer a wide range of educational and sporting activities. 我们有各式各样的教育和体育活动。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The store sells a wide range of goods. 这家商店出售各式各样的商品。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕You can get pasta in lots of different shapes. 意大利面有各式各样的形状。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕All kinds of extravagant promises were made during the election campaign. 在竞选活动中,候选人都作出了各式各样毫不实际的承诺。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕All manner of foodstuffs lay scattered on the kitchen table. 厨房的桌子上散放着各式各样的食品。朗文写作活用〔archetypal〕In all cultures, we find types of the 'Bad' mother in the archetypal form Jung identified.在所有文化中, 我们可以找到各式各样被荣格原始意象认定为“坏”母亲的具体类别。外研社新世纪〔array〕Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.在搁架上整齐地排列着大大小小各式各样的罐子。牛津高阶〔assorted〕It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the West Highlands.那一周会过得很开心,晚上可以在西部高地上的各式旅馆里过夜。柯林斯高阶〔bewildered〕Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer.光是摆在那里的各式商品就让一些购物者晕头转向了。柯林斯高阶〔bread〕The bakery offers a nice selection of breads and pastries.这家面包店供应各式各样美味的面包和点心。韦氏高阶〔but〕We have relationships of many different sorts – with our children, our parents, our boss and our friends, to name but a few.我们有各式各样的人际关系 — 有和子女的关系,有和父母的关系,还有和老板、朋友的关系,这些只是其中的几类。朗文当代〔clack〕All sorts of rumours were clacked about.各式各样的谣言都七嘴八舌地流传着。英汉大词典〔clog〕Commerce was clogged with various restrictions.各式各样的限制阻碍了商业的发展。21世纪英汉〔closet〕All morning he'd been closeted with various officials.整个上午他都在和各式各样的官员在房间里密谈。朗文当代〔close〕A variety of good restaurants are close at hand (=very near) .附近有各式各样的好餐馆。朗文当代〔conglomerate〕The harbour is home to a conglomerate of luxury yachts.这个港口是各式豪华游艇的基地。外研社新世纪〔culinary〕They serve a variety of culinary delights.他们提供各式美味佳肴。韦氏高阶〔daub〕Various political slogans had been daubed on the walls.墙上写满了各式各样的政治口号。韦氏高阶〔department store〕A large retail store offering a variety of merchandise and services and organized in separate departments.百货商店:一种大型零售商店,它提供各式各样的商品和服务,并分成各个独立的部门美国传统〔diversiform〕Having different forms; variform.各式各样的:具有不同形式的;各种形式的美国传统〔eclectic〕The collection includes an eclectic mix of historical artifacts.这批藏品囊括了不同历史时期各式各样的手工艺品。韦氏高阶〔fashion〕He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music.在流行音乐的各种变化和各式潮流中他一直处于前沿。外研社新世纪〔fashion〕He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music.在流行音乐的各种变化和各式潮流中他一直处于前沿。柯林斯高阶〔flatly〕People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.人们穿着宽松的长裤、运动衫、平底鞋和各式适合旅行的休闲服装。柯林斯高阶〔flat〕People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.人们穿休闲裤、毛线衫、低跟鞋以及各式各样的休闲服装出行。外研社新世纪〔glass〕There's a glittering array of glass to choose from at markets.市场上有各式各样五光十色的玻璃制品可供选择。外研社新世纪〔guise〕I see myself at different moments of history, in various guises and occupations.我想象自己生活在不同的历史时期, 穿着各式各样的衣服, 从事着各种各样的工作。外研社新世纪〔hill〕We took to the hills in a variety of four-wheel-drive vehicles.我们乘坐各式各样的四轮驱动车上山。牛津搭配〔informed〕To help you to make an informed choice, we list on page 4 the websites that will help you to track the success of various investments.为帮助你作出有依据的选择, 我们在第4页列出一些网站, 帮助你跟踪各式各样成功的投资案例。外研社新世纪〔kiln〕Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.窑:用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑美国传统〔leisure〕The hotel offers a wide range of leisure facilities.这家旅馆提供有各式各样的娱乐设施。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕I have 29 different teapots in my collection - if I buy this one that'll make it 30.我已经收集了29个各式各样的茶壶——如果买下这个,就有30个了。剑桥高阶〔manner〕The market has all manner of interesting things for sale.市场上有各式各样有趣的东西出售。麦克米伦高阶〔miscellany〕The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures.这家博物馆收藏了一批令人着迷的各式航海珍宝。剑桥高阶〔miscellany〕The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.最上层的抽屉装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。柯林斯高阶〔miscellany〕The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.最上面的抽屉里装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。外研社新世纪〔newfangled〕She is a fan of various newfangled educational theories.她是各式各样新式教育理论的狂热追随者。麦克米伦高阶〔offer〕Oxford has a lot to offer visitors in the way of entertainment.牛津向来访者提供各式各样的娱乐活动。牛津高阶〔offer〕The Centre offers a wide range of sports facilities.该中心提供各式各样的体育运动设施。朗文当代〔option〕This particular model comes with a wide range of op tions(= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for).这一型号有各式各样的配件可供选择。牛津高阶〔paint〕The store sells many different paints.这家商店出售各式颜料。韦氏高阶〔poster〕Assorted posters hung on the walls.墙上挂着各式各样的海报。牛津搭配〔print〕The fabric store had a variety of plaids and prints available.这家布店有各式各样的格子布和印花布。韦氏高阶〔product〕Our research enables companies to customize and tailor products to suit individual tastes.我们的研究使诸公司有能力按照个人的喜好定制各式产品。牛津搭配〔programme〕Throughout the year, the city hosts a varied programme of major festivals.整整一年之中,这座城市主办了各式各样的重大庆祝活动。麦克米伦高阶〔prospect〕She's been on the phone all day calling various new prospects.她整天都在打电话给各式各样潜在的新主顾。麦克米伦高阶〔rack〕The store has racks of dresses.商店里挂着各式各样的衣服。韦氏高阶〔rain down〕All kinds of gifts were rained down upon the children.各式各样的礼品纷纷送到孩子们手里。21世纪英汉〔ready-made〕Different types of icing can be purchased ready-made.可以买到各式各样现成的糖霜。麦克米伦高阶〔savory〕They prepared an assortment of both sweet and savory foods.他们准备了各式甜食和咸食。韦氏高阶〔scavenger hunt〕A game in which individuals or teams try to locate and bring back miscellaneous items on a list.觅物游戏:个人或团队游戏,玩家试着找出并带回列在单上五花八门的各式物品美国传统〔strip mall〕A shopping complex containing a row of various stores, businesses, and restaurants that usually open onto a common parking lot.单排商业区,沿公路商业区:由各式各样的商店、商行、餐馆形成的综合购物区,通常位于公共停车场附近美国传统〔top〕This shop stocks a whole range of tops.这家店备有各式各样的上衣。麦克米伦高阶〔trial and error〕A method of reaching a correct solution or satisfactory result by trying out various means or theories until error is sufficiently reduced or eliminated.试错法,尝试错误:一种通过尝试各式各样的方法或理论直到错误被充分地减少或杜绝从而达到正确的解决方法或令人满意的结果的方法美国传统〔triangle〕Any of various flat, three-sided drawing and drafting guides, used especially to draw straight lines at specific angles.三角板,三角尺:各式平面的、三边的绘图工具,尤其是用特定的角度画线的工具中的任何一种美国传统〔variety〕The restaurants offer a good variety of seafood.这些餐馆供应各式各样的海鲜菜品。牛津搭配〔vindaloo〕Any of various dishes of southern and central India made with this spice blend.印度香料菜肴:以此综合香料为佐料的印度南部及中部的各式菜肴美国传统〔wear〕The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear.这家商店备有各式各样的沙滩服装。柯林斯高阶All sorts of lamps are available in that shop. 在那家商店可买到各式各样的灯具。译典通All sorts of people found shelter under his roof. 各式各样的人在他的家找到栖息之所。译典通From the top of the skyscraper we could see the kaleidoscopic pattern of people and cars in the streets below.从摩天大楼的顶上我们可看见下面街道上各式各样的人和汽车。剑桥国际He has all manner of model planes. 他有各式各样的模型飞机。译典通I'd got a few odd (= I had various) balls of wool left over from various sweaters that I'd knitted.我有织过了各式各样的毛衣后留下的各种零星的毛线团。剑桥国际She had on the mantelpiece a vase of dried flowers and grasses (= different types of grass) 她在壁炉台上放了一花瓶各式干花草。剑桥国际She was mimicking the various people in our office.她在模仿我们办公室里各式各样的人。剑桥国际The business originated as a shoe shop, but now offers a full range of clothing.这家企业原本是一家鞋店,但现在经营各式服装。牛津商务The menu offers a broad choice of desserts. 菜单上有各式各样的甜点心。译典通The shop has a good selection of bikinis and bathing/swimming costumes.该店荟集了各式比基尼和其他泳装。剑桥国际The shop has a wide choice of hats. 那家商店出售各式各样的帽子。译典通There are all manner of (= a lot of different types of) architectural styles in the capital.首都汇集了各式建筑风格。剑桥国际There were dainties of every kind on the table. 桌子上放著各式各样的精美食品。译典通This shop sells garments of all kinds. 这家商店销售各式各样的衣服。译典通We have a wide range of electrical goods at competitive prices.我们有各式各样具有价格竞争力的电器产品。牛津商务We offer a wide selection of products at discount prices.我们以折扣价出售各式产品。牛津商务We stock a wide range of beachwear in dayglo pink, orange and green.我们储有各式各样的沙滩装,有荧光的粉红色、桔红色和绿色。剑桥国际We stock a wide range of camping equipment.我们有各式各样的露营设备的存货。牛津商务With the coming of the rain season, all kinds of new ponchos are being sold on the market. 随著雨季的来临,各式各样的新雨披都在市场上发售。译典通

