
单词 帕金森
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ILL/SICK〕The health centre runs a support group for Parkinson's disease sufferers. 保健中心为帕金森氏病患者组建了一个支援团体。朗文写作活用〔absurdity〕Parkinson had a sharp eye for the absurd.帕金森对于荒诞不经的事一眼即明。柯林斯高阶〔basal〕Lesions of the basal ganglia are a successful therapy for Parkinson's disease.克服基底神经节病变是治疗帕金森病的一种有效疗法。外研社新世纪〔incurable〕Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.帕金森氏综合征是一种使人虚弱、无法治愈的神经系统疾病。剑桥高阶〔onset〕His trembling lip suggests the onset of Parkinson's disease.他颤抖的嘴唇表明他患上了帕金森氏病。外研社新世纪〔pramipexole〕A dopamine agonist used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.普拉帕索,丙胺噻唑:用于治疗帕金森氏病的多巴胺兴奋剂美国传统〔ropinirole〕A dopamine agonist used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.丙胺水,罗平尼络:用于治疗帕金森氏病的多巴胺兴奋剂美国传统〔stumble〕Researchers have stumbled across a drug that may help patients with Parkinson's disease.研究人员偶然发现了一种药物,也许可以治疗帕金森病。朗文当代〔substantia nigra〕A layer of large, pigmented nerve cells in the mesencephalon that produce dopamine and whose destruction is associated with Parkinson's disease.中脑大神经细胞:中脑中的一层有色大神经细胞,会产生多巴胺、帕金森病引起其死亡美国传统〔unlock〕A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson's disease.已发现一种化学物质,这可能是解开帕金森氏病之谜的钥匙。剑桥高阶A bit of sleuthing from our investigative reporter uncovered some interesting information on Mr. Parkinson.我们的调查记者的一些探访披露了关于帕金森先生的一些有趣的情况。剑桥国际An extension of Parkinson's law applies to computers and their related equipment: they expand to fill the room available.帕金森氏定律的一个扩展适用于电脑和与它们相关的仪器: 它们扩大再扩大来放满可以获得的空间。剑桥国际Mr Parkinson was scathing about the report, denouncing it as out of date and biased.帕金森先生对这份报告持严厉的态度,指责它过时而带有偏见。剑桥国际Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.帕金森氏综合症是一种使人不断衰弱的、无法治愈的神经系统疾病。剑桥国际This chemical could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkison's disease.这种化学品可能是解开帕金森症之谜的关键。剑桥国际

