
单词 射门得分
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assist〕He had 3 goals and 2 assists in the hockey game.他在这场冰球比赛中3次射门得分,2次助攻。韦氏高阶〔ball〕He pounced on a loose ball and scored.他冲上去捡漏射门得分牛津搭配〔box〕He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box.他在罚球区被绊倒之后, 从罚球点射门得分外研社新世纪〔circle〕They had the team's defence running round in circles with Daniel scoring three goals.丹尼尔三次射门得分, 对方球队的防守队员被耍得团团转。外研社新世纪〔conversion〕Hodgson made amends with a touchline conversion to give Sale a 20–19 advantage.霍奇森将功补过, 在边线追加射门得分, 使塞尔队以20比19领先。外研社新世纪〔convert〕Williams scored a try but failed to convert it.威廉斯达阵得分, 但未能追加射门得分外研社新世纪〔decide〕The last goal decided the match.最后一次射门得分决定了这场比赛的胜负。英汉大词典〔drive〕Cole scored with a thunderous left-foot drive.科尔左脚大力射门得分牛津搭配〔edge〕For all his rough edges, O'Connor possesses an unerring ability to score goals.尽管奥康纳仍有不足之处, 但是他具有精准无误地射门得分的能力。外研社新世纪〔enthuse〕A late goal by Karyn Bye enthused the home crowd.卡雷恩·拜伊迟来的一记射门得分让主场观众沸腾了起来。外研社新世纪〔expire〕They scored seconds before time expired.他们在比赛结束前几秒钟射门得分韦氏高阶〔feed〕He fed the ball to Jol, who scored.他把球传给乔尔,乔尔射门得分朗文当代〔flat-footed〕The defence looked flat-footed as Sutton scored easily.防守队员看上去行动迟缓,萨顿轻易射门得分朗文当代〔front〕Owen scored to put his team in front.欧文射门得分使本队暂时领先。麦克米伦高阶〔go-ahead〕He scored the go-ahead run/touchdown/goal.他跑垒/达阵/射门得分,使球队领先。韦氏高阶〔goal〕Bahr made his fifth field goal of the day.巴尔今天第五次射门得分牛津搭配〔goal〕Two field goals gave the Tigers an early lead.两次射门得分使老虎队早早领先。牛津搭配〔halfway〕He scored from the halfway line.他在中线位置射门得分麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕She hit the winning goal.她射门得分美国传统〔intercept〕Townsend intercepted a pass and ran half the length of the pitch to score.汤森断下传球后跑过半个球场射门得分麦克米伦高阶〔luck〕There was an element of luck in the last goal.最后的射门得分带有一点运气的成分。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕Balint scored again to make it 4–0.巴林特再次射门得分, 将比分拉大到4比0。外研社新世纪〔name〕His name was immortalized in 1992 when he scored three times in the space of five minutes.1992 年他因为在 5 分钟内 3 次射门得分而名垂青史。牛津搭配〔oblige〕The fans were looking for another goal and Owen duly obliged (= he scored).正当球迷们期待再入一球时,欧文不负众望射门得分牛津搭配〔opportunity〕He had a golden (= an extremely good) opportunity to score in the first half but squandered it.他在上半场时有一个绝佳的射门得分机会,可是给浪费掉了。剑桥高阶〔overtime〕He scored with only seven seconds remaining in the second overtime.他在第二场加时赛仅剩 7 秒钟的时候射门得分牛津搭配〔pot〕Johns potted the conversion to give his team an outstanding victory.约翰斯追加射门得分, 为他的球队赢得了一次伟大的胜利。外研社新世纪〔round〕He rounded the keeper and scored.他把球带过了守门员射门得分剑桥高阶〔screen〕Tom goaled by my screening在我的掩护下汤姆射门得分了。21世纪英汉〔shoot〕He shoots; he scores! 他射门得分韦氏高阶〔shot〕He had only one shot at goal.他仅有一次射门得分外研社新世纪〔shot〕He had only one shot at goal.他只有一次射门得分柯林斯高阶〔shot〕She scored on a perfect shot from the right wing.她从右翼一次完美射门得分韦氏高阶〔thumbs-up〕The coach gave me a/the thumbs-up after I scored the goal.我射门得分之后,教练向我竖起大拇指。韦氏高阶〔trip〕He was sent off for deliberately tripping Robson when he was about to score.他因故意绊倒正要起脚射门得分的罗布森而被罚下场。剑桥高阶He kicked the ball to his team-mate (= a player on the same team) who then scored the goal.他把球踢给队友,后者射门得分剑桥国际He was sent off for deliberately tripping Robson when he was about to score a goal.他被罚下场,因为当罗布森要射门得分的时候他故意把他绊倒了。剑桥国际The ball passed right across the front of the goalmouth, but no one could get a touch on it to score.球刚好在球门口的前方划过,但无人可以够得着而射门得分剑桥国际

