
单词 几台
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MACHINE〕It's possible to operate the machines by remote control. 用遥控器来操作这几台机器是可能的。朗文写作活用〔badly〕The school is badly in need of (=very much needs) some new computers.学校急需几台新计算机。朗文当代〔cheap〕The school managed to get a couple of computers on the cheap.学校设法弄到了几台便宜电脑。牛津搭配〔chirkle〕Our computers are chirkling away day and night.咱们的几台计算机不分昼夜都在吱吱吱地工作着。英汉大词典〔get by〕We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.我们眼下可以将就着用4台计算机,但新职员到来时就需要再添置几台了。剑桥高阶〔go down〕The main computers went down for 30 minutes.这几台主要的电脑有30分钟没能正常运行。柯林斯高阶〔knowledge〕It has come/been brought to our knowledge (= we have discovered) that several computers have gone missing.我们发现有几台电脑不见了。剑桥高阶〔mainframe〕A large, powerful computer, often serving several connected terminals.主机,大型机:大型的、强大的计算机,经常为几台相互连接的终端服务美国传统〔make off with sth〕Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs.有人闯入商店,偷走了几台电视机。剑桥高阶〔scan〕Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound.几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。牛津高阶Complex computing tasks are divvied up among several PCs.复杂的计算任务被分配给了好几台电脑。牛津商务It has come/been brought to our knowledge (= We have discovered) that several computers have gone missing.我们发现有几台电脑不见了。剑桥国际Some old machines in the workshop sit idle. 车间里有几台旧机器闲置不用。译典通Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs and videos.有人闯入了商店,偷走了几台电视机和录像机。剑桥国际We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.我们现在有四台电脑还能勉强凑合,但新员工来了后,就还需要几台剑桥国际

