
单词 制裁
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-buster〕The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.安理会将考虑未来采取措施打击破坏制裁的人。柯林斯高阶〔DO/NOT DO〕The US was willing to support sanctions, but stopped short of military intervention. 美国愿意支持制裁,但不至于实行军事干预。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Economic sanctions can be as effective as military action. 经济制裁可以与军事行动一样有效。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Protesters called for sanctions on all countries that violate the human rights of their citizens. 抗议者要求对所有侵犯本国公民人权的国家进行制裁朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕The U.S. threatened to impose sanctions on any country that used chemical or biological weapons. 美国威胁要对任何使用化学或生物武器的国家实施制裁朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The US has maintained tough economic sanctions on Cuba. 美国对古巴实施严厉的经济制裁朗文写作活用〔PART〕As the war enters its final phase, the UN will probably consider lifting sanctions. 战争进入最后阶段,联合国可能会考虑取消制裁朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕It's a waste of time issuing vague threats about imposing sanctions -- we should send in the army. 一再含糊其辞地威胁要实施制裁是在浪费时间—我们应该派军队去。朗文写作活用〔against〕Sanctions against the country should be lifted.应该取消对这个国家的制裁剑桥高阶〔aggrieved〕Many Jewish people feel aggrieved that so few war criminals were brought to justice.受到法律制裁的战犯如此之少, 很多犹太人感到愤愤不平。外研社新世纪〔aim〕The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions.新措施旨在加强现行的制裁柯林斯高阶〔bite〕As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead.随着制裁开始产生严重的负面影响,政治上将面临更多的困难。柯林斯高阶〔bite〕As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead.随着制裁开始生效, 政治上将面临更多的困难。外研社新世纪〔campaign〕Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.工人赢得了阻止强制裁员的斗争。牛津高阶〔cannot〕You cannot escape the law.你逃脱不了法律的制裁麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕The law caught up with him years later when he had moved to Spain.多年后当他已移居西班牙时最终还是受到法律的制裁牛津高阶〔clamp〕The President clamped sanctions on the island after the bomb attack.发生炸弹袭击事件以后,总统对该岛实行了制裁朗文当代〔come〕President Bush has come under pressure to step up the sanctions.布什总统面临要求加快制裁的压力。麦克米伦高阶〔contentious〕Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues.制裁可能会是争议最大的问题之一。柯林斯高阶〔contumacious〕The court has the power to apply sanctions for contumacious conduct.法庭有权对违抗法庭命令的行为进行制裁剑桥高阶〔cost〕The country has suffered the enormous cost of trade sanctions.该国蒙受了贸易制裁所造成的巨大损失。牛津搭配〔crumble〕Their economy crumbled under the weight of United Nations sanctions.在联合国制裁的重压之下,他们的经济崩溃了。柯林斯高阶〔deal〕The sanctions have dealt a severe blow to the local tourism industry.制裁对当地旅游业造成了沉重的打击。朗文当代〔diplomacy〕Sanctions and coercive diplomacy have failed.制裁措施和高压外交已经失败。牛津搭配〔dissociate〕They were determined to dissociate the UN from any agreement to impose sanctions.他们决心阻止联合国同意实施制裁牛津高阶〔dropping〕Many nations still had not dropped sanctions against South Africa.很多国家还没有终止对南非的制裁柯林斯高阶〔drop〕Many nations still had not dropped sanctions against South Africa.很多国家还没有终止对南非的制裁外研社新世纪〔ease〕They offered to ease sanctions in return for UN inspectors being allowed into the country.他们提出放松制裁, 作为交换条件, 该国应允许联合国监察员进入。外研社新世纪〔effectiveness〕Many people questioned the effectiveness of economic sanctions.很多人对经济制裁的效果表示质疑。牛津搭配〔effect〕International sanctions were beginning to take effect.国际制裁开始起作用了。柯林斯高阶〔effect〕Trade sanctions have been imposed with effect from 1 April.贸易制裁从4月1日起已实行。麦克米伦高阶〔embargo〕The Senate voted to lift the economic embargo on Vietnam.参议院就解除对越南的经济制裁进行投票。麦克米伦高阶〔enact〕A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.将对这个国家实行一系列的经济制裁剑桥高阶〔escape〕They must not be allowed to escape justice .决不能让他们逃脱法律的制裁朗文当代〔except〕The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food.国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。牛津高阶〔exchange〕Economic sanctions would be lifted in exchange for renewed cooperation.经济制裁会被解除,以换取重新合作。麦克米伦高阶〔hinder〕The country's economic growth is being hindered by the sanctions.国家的经济增长由于制裁而受挫。韦氏高阶〔hindrance〕These sanctions are a hindrance to the country's economic growth.这些制裁有碍该国的经济增长。韦氏高阶〔inducement〕They offered voters a massive inducement to oust the president by announcing that sanctions would be lifted if there was "democratic change".他们宣布如果该国进行“民主变革”,制裁就会取消,以此巨大诱惑诱使投票人罢免总统。剑桥高阶〔lift〕The president said he'd lift sanctions.总统说他将撤销制裁外研社新世纪〔light〕Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether.其他国家正在急切等待着美国的准许以彻底解除制裁外研社新世纪〔loosen〕Sanctions have failed to loosen his grip on power.制裁未能使他放松对权力的控制。麦克米伦高阶〔moderate〕Imposing sanctions is a moderate action when you consider that the alternative is military intervention.如果考虑的另一选择是军事干预,你就会发现实施制裁不算是一项过分的行动。剑桥高阶〔open question〕A British official said he thought it was an open question whether sanctions would do any good.一位英国官员表示,对于制裁是否能够起到作用,他认为尚无定论。柯林斯高阶〔open question〕He thought it was an open question whether sanctions would do any good.对于制裁是否能够起到作用, 他认为尚无定论。外研社新世纪〔ostracism〕They face tougher sanctions and ostracism from the civilized world.他们面临更严厉的制裁和文明世界的排斥。外研社新世纪〔peacekeeper〕A member of a military force engaging in peacekeeping activities, often under international sanction.维和部队成员:常常在国际制裁中从事维护和平活动的军事力量的成员美国传统〔penalize〕Use of the car is penalized by increasing parking fees.通过提高停车费, 变相制裁车辆的使用。外研社新世纪〔penalize〕Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。柯林斯高阶〔penalty〕The legislation sanctions harsh mandatory penalties for weapons possession.法规批准对持有武器实行严厉制裁牛津搭配〔police court〕An inferior court having the power to prosecute minor criminal offenses and to hold for trial persons charged with more serious offenses.治安法庭;违警罪法庭:一种下属的法庭,有权制裁较轻的违法行为和拘留被控有较严重的违法行为、以待审判的人美国传统〔present〕Sanctions should remain in place for the present.制裁应该暂时保留。外研社新世纪〔pressure〕This has heightened pressure for economic sanctions against the regime.这一举措加大了对该政权经济制裁的压力。牛津搭配〔privity〕Mere privity to a crime may involve legal penalties.哪怕是秘密参与犯罪都可能招致法律制裁英汉大词典〔proceed〕The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions.在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。柯林斯高阶〔pull out〕Economic sanctions will be lifted once two-thirds of their forces have pulled out.他们一旦撤出其2/3的军队,经济制裁就会被取消。柯林斯高阶〔redundancy〕It is hoped there will not be any compulsory redundancies.人们希望不要出现强制裁员。麦克米伦高阶〔regime〕She called for sanctions against the regime.她呼吁制裁政府。牛津搭配〔resort〕Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.实在没有别的办法时,才会采取经济制裁朗文当代〔retaliate〕They may retaliate with sanctions on other products if the bans are disregarded.如果这些禁令被置之不理,他们可能会采取报复措施,对其他商品进行制裁柯林斯高阶〔retention〕The UN will vote on the retention of sanctions against Iraq.联合国将就是否对伊拉克继续制裁进行投票。朗文当代〔sanction〕A coercive measure adopted usually by several nations acting together against a nation violating international law.国际制裁:通常指几国对一国违反国际法行为的合力制裁措施美国传统〔sanction〕A penalty, specified or in the form of moral pressure, that acts to ensure compliance or conformity.道德制裁:确保顺从或一致的处罚,明文规定或以精神上压制的形式美国传统〔sanction〕Any talk about lifting sanctions (=ending them) is premature.现时就谈取消制裁尚为时过早。朗文当代〔sanction〕He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions.他对解除制裁表示反对。外研社新世纪〔sanction〕He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions.他对解除制裁表示反对。柯林斯高阶〔sanction〕Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country because of its attacks on its own people.由于该国发生了针对本国人民的暴力行为,许多国家都对其进行制裁剑桥高阶〔sanction〕Sanctions against the country have been lifted.针对这个国家的制裁已经解除了。韦氏高阶〔sanction〕Talks continue over the conditions for lifting sanctions.解除制裁麦克米伦高阶〔sanction〕The Council wanted to impose sanctions against the countries involved in the dispute.对…实施制裁麦克米伦高阶〔sanction〕The UN called for sanctions against the invading country.联合国要求对侵略国进行制裁牛津搭配〔sanction〕The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .联合国安理会可能会实施经济制裁朗文当代〔sanction〕The United Nations has decided to impose trade/economic sanctions on the country.联合国已决定对这个国家实施贸易/经济制裁韦氏高阶〔sanction〕The economic sanctions have been lifted.经济制裁业已取消。牛津高阶〔sanction〕The penalty for noncompliance specified in a law or decree.制裁,处罚:法律或法令中明文规定的对不遵守其规定的处罚美国传统〔sanction〕Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.只有侵略国撤回其军队,贸易/经济制裁才会解除。剑桥高阶〔signatory〕The Convention requires signatories to punish genocide when it occurs.会议要求签署方在种族大屠杀发生时进行制裁牛津搭配〔tooth〕Unions pledged to fight any compulsory redundancies 'tooth and nail'.工会许诺会“竭尽所能地”阻止任何强制裁员。柯林斯高阶〔toughen〕The UN announced its intentions to toughen sanctions still further.联合国宣布了要进一步加强制裁的意图。剑桥高阶〔unpunished〕Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.没有受到法庭制裁的惯犯被当地人处治了。柯林斯高阶〔until〕The EU will not lift its sanctions until that country makes political changes.除非该国实施政治改革,否则欧盟将不会解除制裁柯林斯高阶〔weaken〕The military was badly weakened by the sanctions.军队因制裁而受到严重削弱。牛津搭配〔win〕He had won his spurs cracking down on domestic terrorist groups.他因严厉制裁国内恐怖组织而获得了认可。外研社新世纪〔worsen〕Economic sanctions would only worsen the situation.经济制裁只会使情况更糟。外研社新世纪A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.一揽子对该国的经济制裁已告通过。剑桥国际Failure to comply with the Security Council resolution will result in sanctions being imposed.不遵守安理会决议的国家将受到制裁剑桥国际Sanctions against the country should be lifted.应撤消对这个国家的制裁剑桥国际The British Prime Minister pledged support for the UN sanctions.英国首相保证支持联合国的制裁剑桥国际The UN has decided to impose sanctions.联合国已经决定施加制裁剑桥国际The UN has imposed punitive sanctions on the invading country.联合国对于侵略国进行了惩罚性制裁剑桥国际The UN has imposed sanctions on the country for the lack of respect which it has shown for ethnic rights.由于这个国家不尊重少数民族权益,联合国已对它实施了制裁剑桥国际The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.关于制裁需要更多时间来实施的论点很有吸引力,但有致命的缺陷。剑桥国际The economic sanctions have been lifted.经济制裁已取消。牛津商务The irony is that the whole unwieldy criminal justice system is costing £8 billion annually to produce criminals instead of justice.有讽刺意味的是整个运行不畅的刑事司法制度每年花费80亿英镑创造罪犯而不是实行法律制裁剑桥国际The sanctions involve a freeze on the government's foreign assets.制裁措施包括冻结这一政府的外国资产。牛津商务The sanctions will involve a ban on all military, economic, cultural and sporting links.制裁将包括禁止所有的军事、经济、文化和体育方面的联系。剑桥国际Those who break the law are subjected to justice. 违法者要受到法律制裁译典通Trade sanctions were imposed against/on any country that refused to sign the agreement.拒绝签署该协定的国家均受到贸易制裁牛津商务Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.只有当侵略国撤出它的部队,贸易/经济制裁才会停止。剑桥国际We demand the discontinuation of sanctions against our country.我们要求停止对我国的制裁剑桥国际

