
单词 内含
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assay〕Qualitative or quantitative analysis of a substance, especially of an ore or drug, to determine its components.化验,分析:物质的定性或定量分析,尤指矿石或药物,检验内含成份美国传统〔blister〕A local swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid and is caused by burning or irritation.脓疱:因灼烧或发炎引起皮肤局部肿起成疱,内含水质流体美国传统〔boot block〕An area of a disk having information for loading the operating system that is needed to start a computer.启动块:磁盘上的区域,内含装入操作系统的信息,这类信息是启动计算机所必需的美国传统〔box spring〕A bedspring consisting of a cloth-covered frame containing rows of coil springs.弹簧褥子:由内含数列螺旋形弹簧的用布包住的框架所组成的床用弹簧美国传统〔charge〕The net measure of this property possessed by a body or contained in a bounded region of space.静电荷:物体所带有的或一固定区域空间内含有的净电荷美国传统〔chemistry〕This new photographic paper has its chemistry built in.这种新型感光纸内含处理时所需的各种化学药品。英汉大词典〔dehiscence〕Botany An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.【植物学】 开裂,裂开:到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从花粉囊中散发出的花粉美国传统〔dehiscence〕Medicine A splitting open or a rupture, as of a surgical wound or of an organ or a structure to discharge its contents.【医学】 开口,裂开:裂开的口子或破裂处,如裂开的伤口或器官、结构的开裂以放出内含美国传统〔dehisce〕Botany To open at definite places, discharging seeds, pollen, or other contents, as the ripe capsules or pods of some plants.【植物学】 裂果:在一定的地方裂开,放出种子、花粉或其它内含物,如一些植物的成熟了的蒴果荚或豆荚美国传统〔dimethyl〕An organic compound, especially ethane, containing two methyl groups.双甲基的,乙烷:一种有机化合物,特别是乙烷,内含有两个甲基美国传统〔directory〕A book containing an alphabetical or classified listing of names, addresses, and other data, such as telephone numbers, of specific persons, groups, or firms.通讯录,工商行名录,号码簿:内含按字母顺序排列分类的人名、地址和其他资料的书,如特定的人、团体或公司的电话号码美国传统〔drum machine〕An electronic device containing a sequencer that can be programmed to arrange and alter digitally stored drum sounds.电子鼓乐器:内含一序列发生器,可用来设定编辑数字化储存鼓乐的电子乐器美国传统〔exenterate〕Medicine To remove the contents of (an organ).【医学】 外科手术中取出内含物:取出(器官)的内容物美国传统〔flea collar〕A collar, as for a cat or dog, containing a substance that repels or kills fleas.杀蚤轭,狗用除蚤颈圈:给猫或狗等动物使用的内含驱虫或杀虫物质的轭具美国传统〔inclusion〕Geology A solid, liquid, or gaseous foreign body enclosed in a mineral or rock.【地质学】 内含物:包含在矿砂或岩石中的固体、液体或气体等外物美国传统〔inclusion〕Something included.内含美国传统〔inward〕An inner essence or spirit.内心理:内含的本质或精神美国传统〔lysosome〕A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various hydrolytic enzymes that function in intracellular digestion.溶酶体:一种被膜包住的小器官,存在于大多数细胞的细胞质中,内含多种水解酶,在细胞内消化中起作用美国传统〔poison-pen letter〕A usually anonymous letter or note containing abusive or malicious statements or accusations about the recipient or a third party.匿名诽谤信:一封通常为匿名的信或纸条,内含对收信人或第三者的辱骂或恶意性的言词或指责美国传统〔seigniorage〕Revenue or a profit taken from the minting of coins, usually the difference between the value of the bullion used and the face value of the coin. 铸造利差:通过铸造硬币所获的收益或利润,通常是指所使用的贵金属内含值与硬币面值之差美国传统〔shelf〕The contents or capacity of such a structure.架上的物品或容量:这种结构的内含物或容量美国传统〔tricarboxylic〕Having three carboxyl groups.三羧基的:分子内含有三个羧基的美国传统〔venter〕Botany The swollen lower portion of an archegonium containing the egg.【植物学】 颈卵器腹:颈卵器的隆起的下部,内含卵细胞美国传统〔water blister〕A blister having watery contents without blood or pus.水疱:带清水样内含物的疱,不含血或脓美国传统〔yield〕Raids on apartments yielded documents containing a gold mine of information.对公寓的突击搜查获得了内含大量珍贵情报的文件。英汉大词典If the parcel contains items that are dutiable you must complete a customs form.如果包裹内含有应税物品,你必须填写报关单。牛津商务The screen characters are unreal, lacking normal well-rounded lives.这些银幕角色不真实,缺乏普通人的丰富生活内含剑桥国际

