
单词 政教
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔concordat〕Roman Catholic Church An agreement between the pope and a government for the regulation of church affairs.【罗马天主教】 政教协约:罗马教皇与政府间关于管理宗教事务的约定美国传统〔disestablishmentarian〕Often Disestablishmentarian An opponent of an established order, especially one who opposes state support of an established church. 常作 Disestablishmentarian 反对既定秩序者,反对政教脱离者:反对既定秩序者,尤指反对国家对现有教会支持的人美国传统〔fusion〕A fusion of religion and politics emerged.出现了政教合一的局面美国传统〔isolate〕Gandhi said that those who isolate religion from politics don't understand the nature of either.甘地说过,那些主张政教分离者对两者的本质都不了解。柯林斯高阶〔secularism〕Article 57 required political parties to conform to the principles of secularism.第57条要求政党遵守政教分离的原则。外研社新世纪〔separable〕Church and State were not easily separable in this period.这个时期政教难分。牛津搭配〔territorialism〕A system of church government based on primacy of civil power.政教合一统治制:以非教会权力为首位的一种教会政府组织美国传统He firmly believes in the separation (= independent existence) of church and state.他坚信政教分离。剑桥国际They advocated a complete divorce of government and religion. 他们主张政教完全分离。译典通

