
单词 拿撒勒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INRI.〕Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews).拿撒勒人的耶稣,犹太人之王美国传统〔Nazarene〕A member of an American Protestant denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, that follows many of the doctrines of early Methodism.美国基督教新教教徒:美国基督教新教统治下的一员!拿撒勒人的教堂遵循了许多早期美以美教派的教条美国传统〔Nazarene〕A native or inhabitant of Nazareth.拿撒勒地方的人:拿撒勒的本地人或居民美国传统〔Nazarene〕Of or relating to Nazareth or its inhabitants.拿撒勒(或人)的:属于或关于拿撒勒或其居民的美国传统〔of〕Jesus of Nazareth 拿撒勒的耶稣朗文当代

