
单词 sprinkle
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COVER〕Sprinkle a layer of soil over the seeds. 在种子上撒一层土。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Next, sprinkle some chopped walnuts on the salad. 下一步,将切碎的核桃撒在沙拉上。朗文写作活用〔POUR〕Sprinkle the cheese over the beans. 在豆子上撒些干酪。朗文写作活用〔POUR〕Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and herbs. 往鱼上洒些柠檬汁和香草。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The priest sprinkled each member of the congregation with holy water. 神父向每一位教徒洒圣水。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕Save some of the cheese to sprinkle on top of the sauce. 留点乳酪撒在酱汁上面。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕Sprinkle sugar onto the cooked fruit to sweeten it. 在煮过的水果上撒些糖使它更甜些。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕There were a few sprinkles this afternoon, but the sun was shining through it all. 今天下午下了几阵小雨,但是一直有太阳。朗文写作活用〔asperse〕To sprinkle, especially with holy water.洒,尤指洒圣水美国传统〔besprent〕Sprinkled over.洒满的美国传统〔breadcrumbs〕Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the mixture before baking.烘烤前将面包屑撒在混合料上。剑桥高阶〔cheese〕Sprinkle the casserole with cheese.在焙盘里撒些干酪。韦氏高阶〔cheese〕Sprinkle the cheese over the beans.把奶酪撒在豆子上面。牛津搭配〔cheese〕Sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese and grill for a few minutes.将磨碎的奶酪撒在土豆上,然后烤上几分钟。牛津搭配〔cheese〕Sprinkle with the grated cheese.撒上磨碎的干酪。朗文当代〔cleanser〕Sprinkle some cleanser on the floor and let it sit for a while before you start scrubbing.先在地板上洒些去污剂,稍等一会儿再去擦拭。韦氏高阶〔cress〕Sprinkle some finely chopped cress over the top.在上面撒一些切碎的水芹。朗文当代〔crush〕Crush the nuts and sprinkle them on top of the cake.把坚果磨碎后撒在蛋糕上。韦氏高阶〔evenly〕Sprinkle the sugar evenly over the cake mixture.把糖均匀地撒在蛋糕糊上。麦克米伦高阶〔grate〕Sprinkle the top of the dish with some finely grated cheese.在菜肴上撒一些磨得碎碎的干酪。牛津搭配〔herb〕Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.在菜肴上撒些切碎的新鲜香草。朗文当代〔jimmies〕Small particles of chocolate or flavored candy sprinkled on ice cream as a topping.小糖粒:巧克力的小颗粒或作为装饰物洒在冰淇淋上的可口的糖果美国传统〔juice〕Sprinkle the avocado slices with lemon juice.在鳄梨片上洒点儿柠檬汁。牛津搭配〔liberally〕The book is liberally sprinkled with humor.这本书中穿插着大量的幽默。韦氏高阶〔lobster thermidor〕A dish consisting of cooked lobster meat mixed with a cream sauce, put into a lobster shell, sprinkled with cheese, and browned.蘑菇龙虾:以龙虾制成的一道菜,即把龙虾肉和奶油酱混在一起塞进龙虾壳内,撒上奶酪,并烘焦美国传统〔mealy〕Sprinkled or covered with meal or a similar granular substance.沾满粗粉的:沾满或涂有粗粉或类似小颗粒状物质的美国传统〔meunière〕Rolled in flour and fried in butter, usually with lemon juice and chopped parsley sprinkled on top. Used of fish.(尤指鱼等)蘸上面粉用黄油煎炸的:面裹的用黄油煎炸的,通常洒有柠檬汁和碎殴芹,尤指鱼等美国传统〔nosh〕She sprinkled pepper on my grub, watching me nosh.她在我的食物上撒上辣椒粉, 看着我吃。外研社新世纪〔nosh〕She sprinkled pepper on my grub, watching me nosh.她在我的食物上撒了点胡椒粉,看着我吃。柯林斯高阶〔nut〕Sprinkle some roasted chopped nuts on top.往表面撒些烤过的碎果仁。剑桥高阶〔or〕Gold, represented in heraldic engraving by a white field sprinkled with small dots.纹金:在纹章雕刻中用小圆点点缀的白色区域表示的金美国传统〔over〕I sprinkled icing sugar over the cake.我在蛋糕上撒了一些糖霜。外研社新世纪〔parsley〕The eggs are sprinkled with coarsely chopped parsley.鸡蛋上撒有粗切的欧芹段。牛津搭配〔pellet〕Sprinkle pelleted poultry manure on the flower beds.把团成球的家禽粪肥撒在花坛上。外研社新世纪〔pepper〕To sprinkle liberally; dot.自由撒落;散布美国传统〔pepper〕To season or sprinkle with pepper.用胡椒调味,撒以胡椒粉美国传统〔piping hot〕Serve piping hot, with herbs sprinkled on top.在上面撒上香草趁热上桌。外研社新世纪〔piping hot〕Serve piping hot, with herbs sprinkled on top.在上面撒上香草趁热上桌。柯林斯高阶〔poppy seed〕Sprinkle poppy seeds on the bread before baking.烤面包之前在上面撤些罂粟籽。韦氏高阶〔pounce box〕A small box with a perforated top, formerly used to sprinkle sand or pounce on writing paper to dry the ink.粉盒:盖上穿孔的小盒子,从前用来在写字纸上喷洒沙子或吸墨粉以吸干墨水美国传统〔pounce〕To sprinkle, smooth, or treat with pounce.在…上撒吸墨粉:用吸墨粉喷洒、用吸墨粉使光滑或用吸墨粉处理美国传统〔pour〕She poured salt into the palm of her hand and then sprinkled it over the stew.她先把盐倒在手掌上,再撒到炖菜上。韦氏高阶〔pretty〕She prettied the cake with icing, sprinkles, and nuts.她用糖霜、糖屑和坚果装点蛋糕。韦氏高阶〔reserve〕Reserve a little of the mixture to sprinkle over the top of the pie.留一点配好的混和料撒在馅饼上。朗文当代〔saltine〕A thin, crisp cracker sprinkled with coarse salt.咸饼干:一种撒上粗盐的薄而脆的饼干美国传统〔salt〕To add, treat, season, or sprinkle with salt.撒盐:加盐,用盐处理,用盐调味或撒盐美国传统〔sand〕To sprinkle or cover with or as if with sand.洒以沙:用或好象用沙子洒或覆盖美国传统〔seed〕Meteorology To sprinkle (a cloud) with particles, as of silver iodide, in order to disperse it or produce rain.【气象学】 人工降雨:用颗粒如碘化银晶体撒在云里,从而驱散云或人工降雨美国传统〔serve〕Sprinkle with cheese and serve immediately.撒上奶酪立刻上桌。朗文当代〔sparge〕A sprinkle.喷射美国传统〔sparge〕To spray or sprinkle.喷射或喷洒美国传统〔sprinkler〕A device with perforations through which water issues from a hose to sprinkle a lawn.喷射装置:一种有孔装置,通过它可以从管道中喷射出水来浇灌草地美国传统〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza./Sprinkle the pizza with a few herbs.在比萨饼上撒些香料调味。剑桥高阶〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle chocolate on top of the cake.给蛋糕洒上巧克力。牛津高阶〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle sugar evenly over the top of the cake.把糖均匀地撒在蛋糕上。牛津搭配〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle the chicken with soy sauce.给鸡肉洒些酱油。麦克米伦高阶〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle the meat lightly with salt.往肉上撒一点儿盐。牛津搭配〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle the meat with salt and place in the pan.在肉上撒上盐,然后放进平底锅。柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle the meat with salt and place in the pan.在肉上撒盐, 并把它放进平底锅。外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕Sprinkle the top with cheese.在上面撒些干酪。朗文当代〔sprinkle〕Add a sprinkle of cheese and serve.再撒点奶酪,然后端上桌。牛津高阶〔sprinkle〕Add a sprinkle of salt.加入少量的盐。朗文当代〔sprinkle〕At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water.在节日里, 要对蜡烛祝圣, 并洒以圣水。外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water.在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕Cheese can be sprinkled on egg or vegetable dishes.奶酪可以撒在鸡蛋或蔬菜做的菜肴上。外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕Cheese can be sprinkled on egg or vegetable dishes.奶酪可以撒在鸡蛋或蔬菜做的菜肴上。柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕He sprinkled water on the plants.他在植物上洒了些水。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕Her golden hair is now sprinkled with grey.她的金发现在花白了。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕His poems are sprinkled with quotations from ancient Greek.他的诗歌不时穿插有古希腊引文。牛津高阶〔sprinkle〕I sprinkled cocoa over my latte.我在我的拿铁咖啡上撒了点可可粉。朗文当代〔sprinkle〕I sprinkled grass seed over the soil.我在这片地里撒上了草籽。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕I put just a sprinkle of pepper in the soup.我在汤里只放了一点儿胡椒粉。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕It often sprinkles here in spring.这里的春天总是爱下毛毛细雨。21世纪英汉〔sprinkle〕It rained last night, but it was just a sprinkle.昨天夜里下了雨,但只是毛毛细雨。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕Men in green army uniforms are sprinkled throughout the huge auditorium.穿着绿色军服的人星星点点地分布在整个大礼堂中。柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕Men in green army uniforms are sprinkled throughout the huge auditorium.穿着绿色军装的人星星点点地分布在整个大礼堂中。外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕Scatter sprinkles over the top of the cake and press on them gently so that they stick to the chocolate.在蛋糕面上撒些彩糖并轻轻按下,让它们粘在巧克力上。剑桥高阶〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled grated cheese on the pasta. = She sprinkled the pasta with grated cheese.她将擦碎的干酪撒在意大利面上。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled powder on her baby.她给她的小宝宝撒了一些爽身粉。21世纪英汉〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.她在草莓上撒了点糖。牛津高阶〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled the clothes before ironing them.她熨衣服前先将衣服喷湿。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled the strawberries with sugar.她在草莓上撒了点糖。牛津高阶〔sprinkle〕She topped the pasta with a sprinkle of parsley.她在意大利面上撒了点欧芹。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕Take your umbrella in case it sprinkles.把雨伞带着以防下小雨。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕The book is liberally sprinkled with cliches.这本书用了许多陈词滥调。朗文当代〔sprinkle〕The gardener sprinkled the lawn.园丁在草坪上洒水。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕The rain sprinkled the grass.雨飘落在草地上。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕The screenplay is liberally sprinkled with jokes.这个电影剧本里诙谐笑话随处可见。牛津搭配〔sprinkle〕The slops she threw down sprinkled me all over.她泼下来的脏水全都洒在了我的身上。21世纪英汉〔sprinkle〕The speech was liberally sprinkled with (= contained many) jokes about the incident.演讲中多次拿那件事开玩笑。剑桥高阶〔sprinkle〕Unfortunately, the text is sprinkled with errors.遗憾的是, 文本中也有一些零星错误。外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕Unfortunately, the text is sprinkled with errors.遗憾的是,文本中零星地有一些错误。柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕We sprinkled the programme with songs.我们把歌曲穿插在节目中。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕We had a sprinkle this morning.今天早晨我们这儿下了毛毛雨。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕We've only had a few sprinkles (of rain) recently.近来我们这里只下过几场小雨。牛津高阶〔surface〕Place the fish on a flat surface and sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice and pepper.将鱼放在案面上并在鱼肉上撒柠檬汁和胡椒粉。柯林斯高阶〔tablespoonful〕Sprinkle a tablespoonful of grated cheese over the pasta.把一大汤匙磨碎的奶酪撒在通心粉上。剑桥高阶〔top〕He sprinkled cocoa powder on top of the cake.他在蛋糕上撒了点可可粉。麦克米伦高阶〔voilà〕Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt - voilà! tortilla chips.玉米粉圆饼可以切成长条,炸至金黄色,再撒上些盐——瞧,这就是墨西哥炸玉米条。剑桥高阶〔whip〕Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of sugar.浇上掼奶油并撒上些糖。剑桥高阶〔with〕Sprinkle the dish with salt.在这盘菜上撒上盐。牛津高阶〔with〕Sprinkle the top with the Parmesan cheese.上面撒上帕尔马干酪。外研社新世纪Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza./Sprinkle the pizza with a few herbs.在匹萨饼上撒些芳草调料。剑桥国际Sprinkle a little parsley on the soup as garnish.在汤上撒些欧芹添些色香味。剑桥国际Sprinkle a tablespoonful (= the amount a tablespoon can hold) of grated cheese over the pasta.把一大汤匙磨碎的干酪撒在通心粉上。剑桥国际Sprinkle some marjoram and olive oil over the salad before serving.上菜前先在沙拉上撒些墨兰角和橄榄油。剑桥国际Sprinkle some mustard and cress into the salad.在色拉上撒些芥末和水芹。剑桥国际Sprinkle the seeds thinly in rows and cover lightly with soil.稀疏地撒下一排排种子,轻轻盖上土。剑桥国际Sprinkle the top of the cake with cinnamon.在蛋糕上洒点肉桂。剑桥国际Bake for twenty minutes, remove from the oven and sprinkle on herbs and seasoning.烤上二十分钟,然后从炉子里取出,撒上香草和调味品。剑桥国际Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt--voila! tortilla chips.玉米粉圆饼可以切成长条,油炸至金黄色,上面撒些盐----瞧!那就是炸玉米粉圆饼条。剑桥国际I covered the vegetables with sauce, sprinkled cheese on top and put the whole caboodle in the oven.我在蔬菜上浇上佐料,洒上乳酪,然后将其整个放入烤箱中。剑桥国际She sprinkled some roasted chopped nuts on top of the ice cream.她在冰淇淋上撒了一些烤过的干果碎块。剑桥国际She covered the cake with chocolate sprinkles. 她在蛋糕上撒了一层巧克力。译典通She put a sprinkle of sugar on the top of her cake. 她在蛋糕上洒了一点糖。译典通Soon it began to sprinkle. 不久下起了毛毛雨。译典通The cake is lightly sprinkled with sugar. 蛋糕上稍许撒了些糖。译典通The physics teacher showed them the pattern that iron filings make when they were sprinkled over some paper covering a magnet.物理教师向他们展示了散落在纸上的铁屑受到纸下的磁铁作用而形成的图案。剑桥国际The priest sprinkled water on the baby's head.牧师在婴儿的头上洒了几滴水。剑桥国际This region is sprinkled with small lakes. 这一地区星星点点地分布著许多小湖泊。译典通Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of sugar.浇上掼奶油和撒一点糖。剑桥国际We had a sprinkle this morning. 我们这里今天上午下了点毛毛细雨。译典通

