
单词 shading
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Zeuxis〕Greek artist who was among the first Athenians to use shading, thereby achieving a degree of realism hitherto unknown in Greek painting.宙克西斯:希腊画家,首批使用明暗法的雅典人之一,因此实现了迄今在希腊绘画艺术中仍不为人知的现实主义手法美国传统〔checker〕To diversify (something) in color, shading, or character; variegate.呈多样化:使(某物)在色彩、明暗或性质上多样化;使不同美国传统〔dodge〕To blunt or reduce the intensity of (a section of a photograph) by shading during the printing process.挡光:冲印照片过程中遮挡或局部挡光美国传统〔hard〕Lacking in delicacy, shading, or nuance.不精密的、不灵活或缺乏变化的美国传统〔hatching〕Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading.影线:在书画刻印艺术中用于表示阴影部分的细线美国传统〔model〕In painting, drawing, and photography, to give a three-dimensional appearance to, as by shading or highlighting.使…具立体感:在油画、绘画或摄影中,通过造型或强烈光线照射表现立体的外观美国传统〔model〕The house models as you add shading.当你画出深浅层次时房屋就显得有立体感了。英汉大词典〔outline〕A style of drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading.略图:不用明暗法而用轮廓线勾画物体外形的手法美国传统〔shade into〕The leaves now are shading into red and yellow.现在树叶开始变红变黄了。21世纪英汉〔shade〕Shading her eyes, Anita scanned the horizon.安妮塔用手挡住阳光,眺望地平线。朗文当代〔shade〕Her eyes flashed a shading glance.她的眼中闪现出一丝阴郁的目光。21世纪英汉〔shade〕The sky was a deep blue in the east, shading into yellow, then red, towards the west.东边的天空是深蓝色的,向西逐渐转为黄色,再往西就成红色的了。英汉大词典〔shade〕The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.尾羽的根部呈深蓝色,到了尾尖就渐变成淡蓝色。柯林斯高阶〔shading〕He didn't understand the subtle shadings of legal language.他不理解法律语言中的细微差别。朗文当代〔shading〕The conservatory will get very hot in summer unless shading is used.夏天如果不用遮光罩的话,暖房会变得特别热。柯林斯高阶〔shading〕Their language is particularly difficult to learn because of its subtle shading of tone and emphasis.他们的语言因为音调和重音上的细微变化而特别难学。柯林斯高阶〔shading〕Trees are depicted with blocks of flat colour or shading.树木用单色块来涂绘或处理成阴影部分。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕He struck a match, shading it with his hand.他划亮一根火柴,用手挡着。麦克米伦高阶Autumn is shading into winter. 秋天渐渐转冬天。译典通On a print or photograph, an artist can define the shape of the face by adding small amounts of shading (= by making some areas of the picture slightly darker than others).在印刷和照片中,艺术家可以用加一些阴影来显出脸部的样子。剑桥国际There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy. 在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身分区别。译典通

