
单词 产能
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕Manufacturing industries are faced with decreasing productivity and increasing international competition. 制造业正面临日趋衰退的生产能力和日益激烈的国际竞争。朗文写作活用〔capability〕The company's manufacturing capability is limited.该公司的生产能力有限。牛津搭配〔capacity〕Britain must still keep the nuclear and conventional capacity to deal with all conceivable threats.英国仍须保持核武器和常规武器的生产能力,以应对各种潜在威胁。柯林斯高阶〔capacity〕We need to raise productivity and expand capacity.我们需要提高生产力并扩大产能外研社新世纪〔directly〕Many problems can be directly linked to the decline in manufacturing.许多问题可以直接与生产能力下降联系起来。麦克米伦高阶〔downshift〕Since 1973 there has been a downshift in productivity growth.1973年以来, 产能增长有所放缓。外研社新世纪〔endure〕She wants to make sure her legacy will endure.她想确保她的遗产能够持久存在。韦氏高阶〔insupportable〕Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity.在重整军备上支出过多会给国家的生产能力带来难以承受的负担。外研社新世纪〔outrun〕Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods.消费有可能超出企业的产能柯林斯高阶〔overcapacity〕There is huge overcapacity in the world car industry.世界汽车工业的生产能力严重过剩。外研社新世纪〔overcapacity〕There is huge overcapacity in the world car industry.世界汽车工业的生产能力严重过剩。柯林斯高阶〔peak〕The factory has been running at peak capacity for the past year.过去的一年,工厂已经达到了最大的生产能力。韦氏高阶〔productivity〕Productivity at the plant is in decline.该厂的生产能力正在下降。外研社新世纪〔productivity〕The quality of being productive.生产力:具有生产能力的性质美国传统〔reclamation〕A restoration, as to productivity, usefulness, or morality.再生,回收:恢复,如生产能力,可用状态或士气美国传统〔scale〕An order this size means scaling up our production capacity.一份如此规模的定单意味着我们生产能力的相应扩大。麦克米伦高阶〔sell〕Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value.没有装备现代化设施的房地产能够卖到它配置了现代化设施情况下的市价的 40%。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕A decline in beer sales had left the industry with spare capacity (=the ability to produce more than can be sold) .啤酒销售量的下降使该行业出现产能闲置。朗文当代〔throughput〕We need to improve our throughput because demand is high at the moment.因为目前需求很大,我们需要提高生产能力。剑桥高阶〔underutilize〕A large portion of the country's productive capacity is currently underutilized.那个国家的一大部分生产能力目前没有得到充分使用。英汉大词典〔workflow〕The right software tools can improve workflow and productivity.正确的软件工具能够改善工作流程并提高生产能力。剑桥高阶A business with extra capacity can produce extra units at low marginal cost.拥有剩余生产能力的企业能够以较低的边际成本增加产量。牛津商务Industrial production fell 0.2 per cent and capacity utilization fell to 75.4 per cent.工业生产下跌了 0.2%,产能利用率下降到 75.4%。牛津商务Mounting overcapacity in the steel industry is driving prices down.钢铁行业生产能力日益过剩正促使价格下降。牛津商务Raw steel production is at about two thirds of capacity.原钢产量约为生产能力的三分之二。牛津商务Some aircraft and telecoms companies are still struggling with excess capacity.某些飞机制造商和电讯公司仍然因产能过剩而吃力地经营下去。牛津商务The Renault plant near Paris had lots of spare capacity (= it had the equipment, etc. to produce more vehicles).巴黎附近的雷诺厂拥有大量闲置的生产能力(有生产更多汽车的设备等)。牛津商务The group has been forced to abandon its plan to raise capacity by 8%.这集团被迫放弃提高生产能力 8% 的计划。牛津商务The industry is suffering from surplus capacity (= it can produce more than is needed) across the world.这个行业正面临全球生产能力过剩的难题。牛津商务The move is an attempt to rationalize an industry suffering from excess capacity.此举旨在对生产能力过剩的行业进行合理化改革。牛津商务We need to bring capacity into line with demand.我们需要使产能和需求保持一致。牛津商务We need to improve our throughput because demand is high at present.我们需要提高我们的生产能力,因为目前需求很大。剑桥国际

