
单词 了一遍
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPRESSION ON SB'S FACE〕Charlie looked at her blankly, and she patiently repeated everything she had said. 查利木然地看着她,她又耐心地把自己的话全部重复了一遍朗文写作活用〔HERE/NOT HERE〕While Kurt was away on business, his wife completely redecorated the house. 库尔特在外头出差的时候,他妻子把房子彻底重新装修了一遍朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕He went through the contract quite carefully, checking all the details. 他仔仔细细地审阅了一遍这份合同,检查了所有的细节。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕Before the exam he read through his notes once more to refresh his memory. 考试前他再看了一遍笔记来提醒一下自己。朗文写作活用〔To be on the safe side〕To be on the safe side, I checked the figures again. = To be safe, I checked the figures again.以防万一,我把数字又核对了一遍韦氏高阶〔abjectly〕He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question.他转过头看着这个噤若寒蝉的女孩,又重复了一遍他的问题。柯林斯高阶〔aside〕He set his pen aside and read over what he had written.他放下笔,通读了一遍他写完的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔base〕They reviewed the contract to make sure that it covered all the bases.他们把合同又看了一遍,确保没有任何遗漏。韦氏高阶〔batch〕We looked at the job applications in two batches.我们把那些求职申请分两批浏览了一遍剑桥高阶〔blindfold〕He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.尽管对信的内容已经能够倒背如流了,他还是又看了一遍柯林斯高阶〔chapter〕He repeated chapter and verse the ideas his colleague had advanced.他把同事原先提出的意见逐字逐句重复了一遍英汉大词典〔charade〕We had to go through this whole charade of holding auditions for the part.我们不得不把这一部分从头至尾试演了一遍牛津搭配〔check〕He double-checked all the doors (= checked them all twice) before leaving the house.他离开这幢房子前又把所有的门都检查了一遍剑桥高阶〔check〕He made a final check of the doors to be sure they were locked.他最后查看了一遍所有的门,以确认它们都已锁好。麦克米伦高阶〔check〕He made a metal check of everything he was carrying.他在脑子里把自己带的东西过了一遍外研社新世纪〔check〕She ran/did a quick check of the computer to make sure it was working properly.她快速查了一遍电脑,以确定它在正常运转。韦氏高阶〔clarity〕For the sake of clarity she went back over the key points.为清晰起见,她把要点又回顾了一遍牛津搭配〔clean〕We've cleaned the house from top to bottom.我们把房子彻底打扫了一遍麦克米伦高阶〔clear〕He repeated his answer, this time in a clear, firm tone of voice.他重复了一遍答案, 这次声音清晰、语气坚定。外研社新世纪〔drill〕Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers.妈妈讲了一遍又一遍,叫我不要和陌生人说话。朗文当代〔edit〕I had time to do a quick edit of my essay before handing it in.我呈交论文之前有点时间,很快地校订了一遍牛津高阶〔examine〕He was examined again and then prescribed a different herbal medicine.医生又对他诊察了一遍,然后开了另外一种草药。柯林斯高阶〔from stem to stern〕We overhauled the car from stem to stern.我们把车从头至尾彻底检修了一遍剑桥高阶〔going-over〕Detectives have given the apartment a thorough going-over (= examined it carefully).侦探们把公寓仔细搜查了一遍剑桥高阶〔length〕They spoke at length, reviewing the entire incident.他们把事情的整个经过详尽地复述了一遍柯林斯高阶〔lock〕She ran around the house, checking all the locks.她在房子各处跑了一遍,检查所有的锁。牛津搭配〔look over〕He looked over my thesis for me.他替我校读了一遍我的论文。外研社新世纪〔look-over〕The room was given a final look-over.对房间又最后查看了一遍英汉大词典〔look〕I had another look for the watch, but couldn't find it.我又找了一遍手表,但没有找到。剑桥高阶〔make〕I made painting the house my project for the summer.把房子粉刷了一遍,这就是我的夏季工程。牛津高阶〔manically〕We cleaned the house manically over the weekend.周末时我们干劲十足地把屋子打扫了一遍外研社新世纪〔monotone〕The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.证据被当庭呆板地宣读了一遍柯林斯高阶〔mouth〕He mouthed the passage again.他把这一段又念了一遍英汉大词典〔once-over〕The paper got a once-over before he turned it in.他上交论文之前匆匆浏览了一遍韦氏高阶〔or〕We've cleaned it all up, or at least most of it.我们把它全部清扫了一遍,或者说至少是清扫了大部分。朗文当代〔pass〕I did another pass to check for any spelling mistakes in my essay.我又从头至尾检查了一遍我文章中的拼写错误。韦氏高阶〔pass〕The photos were passed round for each of them to have a look at.那些照片在他们之间传来传去,每个人都看了一遍麦克米伦高阶〔pick out〕The banisters were replastered with decorated mouldings picked out in gold.楼梯的扶手用醒目的金色线条重新装饰了一遍外研社新世纪〔public〕He repeated in public what he had said to me in private.他把私下里对我说的话当众复述了一遍外研社新世纪〔puzzled〕He looked puzzled so I repeated the question.他好像没听懂,于是我把问题又重复了一遍牛津高阶〔rattle through〕I rattled through the list of the students' names.我匆匆地念了一遍学生名单。21世纪英汉〔read back〕She read the passage back to him over the phone.她在电话那头把这段话向他复述了一遍外研社新世纪〔read down〕The inspector read down the detailed list of goods handed over to him.稽查员将递上来的货物清单从头到尾仔细地看了一遍21世纪英汉〔read over〕She read over the documents again before signing.她又把文件通读了一遍才签字。外研社新世纪〔read sth over/through〕I read your proposal through last night and I think we'll agree to it.昨晚我把你的建议从头到尾读了一遍,我认为我们会采纳的。剑桥高阶〔read〕He wrote down the address I gave him and read it back to me.他将我给他的地址写下来,又给我念了一遍韦氏高阶〔read〕I read through the first paragraph again.我又把第一段仔细读了一遍牛津搭配〔rehash〕The spokesman has just rehashed the speech of the president.这位发言人只是稍加改动地又重复了一遍总统的演说词。21世纪英汉〔rehearsable〕She rehearsed everything that happened in the park this morning.她详细叙述了一遍今天上午在公园中发生的一切事情。21世纪英汉〔replay〕He replayed the part of the tape in which Tom headed the ball into an open goal.他把录像带上汤姆乘虚把球顶入球门的那一段重放了一遍21世纪英汉〔replay〕I watched a slow-motion videotape replay of his fall.我看了一遍录像带上他摔倒时的慢动作重放。柯林斯高阶〔repolish〕She rewashed and repolished all the tumblers.她把所有的玻璃杯都重新冲洗了一遍并将它们再擦亮。21世纪英汉〔reprise〕He then proceeded to play for more than two hours, reprising every one of his hits.他又接着演奏了两个多小时,将他的每一首知名作品都演奏了一遍柯林斯高阶〔retail〕Mr Hastings gleefully retailed the story to Mr Anderson over lunch.黑斯廷斯先生在午宴上兴致勃勃地把这个故事向安德森先生详述了一遍柯林斯高阶〔retail〕Mr Hastings retailed the story to Mr Anderson over lunch.吃午饭时, 黑斯廷斯先生把传闻的内容向安德森先生一五一十地讲了一遍外研社新世纪〔retrace〕When he realized he had lost his keys, he retraced in his mind his movements that day.他发现钥匙丢了,就把那天自己的一举一动都在脑子里过了一遍剑桥高阶〔review〕In preparing for the final examination,she reviewed all the notes she had taken.为准备期末考试,她把所有的笔记都复习了一遍21世纪英汉〔review〕She reviewed her notes for the speech.她把讲演稿又过了一遍韦氏高阶〔rewind〕She rewound the tape and played the message again.她把录音带倒回去, 又放了一遍留言。外研社新世纪〔riffle through〕He riffled through all the old letters but could not find the one which his girl-friend sent to him last year.他把所有的旧信飞快地翻了一遍,也没有找到他的女朋友去年给他的那封信。21世纪英汉〔riff〕I riffed through the battered book.我信手把那本破旧的书翻阅了一遍英汉大词典〔rifle through〕The men rifled through his clothing and snatched the wallet.这些人把他的衣服翻了一遍, 抢走了他的钱包。外研社新世纪〔run-through〕She gave her lines/notes a quick run-through.她把她的台词/笔记快速过了一遍韦氏高阶〔run〕He considered all possible ways of escape, running them over swiftly in his mind.他考虑了各种可能的脱逃之计,并把各种方案在心里匆匆地过了一遍英汉大词典〔run〕I quickly ran my eyes over/down the list of names.我快速浏览了一遍名单。韦氏高阶〔scanning〕I just had a quick scan through your book again.我只是又快速浏览了一遍你的书。柯林斯高阶〔scan〕I just had a quick scan through your book again.我刚才又很快浏览了一遍你的书。外研社新世纪〔scene〕We ran through the final scene again.我们又把最后一场戏过了一遍牛津搭配〔scroll〕He scrolled through the document.他在屏幕上把这份文件滚动读了一遍朗文当代〔scrub up〕The doctor scrubbed up for surgery.做手术之前医生将双手和手臂彻底清洗了一遍韦氏高阶〔scrub〕I've given the floor a good scrub.我把地板彻底擦洗了一遍牛津高阶〔seating〕She checked the seating arrangements before the guests filed into the dining-room.在客人们鱼贯进入餐厅之前,她核实了一遍座位安排。柯林斯高阶〔sea〕She scanned the vast sea of faces below her.她扫视了一遍下面的无数张面孔。牛津搭配〔shine〕Kobe shone the torch slowly around the room.科贝用手电筒缓缓地照了一遍房间。麦克米伦高阶〔skim〕I've only skimmed (through/over) his letter; I haven't read it carefully yet.我只是大致看了一遍他的来信,还没有细读。剑桥高阶〔skim〕She only skimmed the reading assignment.她只是把阅读作业粗略读了一遍韦氏高阶〔stick〕They stick everything with spears to make sure there's nothing hidden there.他们用矛把所有东西都戳了一遍, 以确认没东西藏在里面。外研社新世纪〔telex〕He re-read the telex and then turned it face down on the desk.他重新看了一遍那份电传电报,然后便把它翻转来放在桌上。英汉大词典〔throughout〕The school has been repainted throughout.学校各处都重新粉刷了一遍剑桥高阶〔through〕David ran through the agreement with Guy, point by point.戴维和盖伊一起把协议逐条看了一遍柯林斯高阶〔through〕I only had time to skim through the script before I flew over here.我在乘飞机来这儿之前,只来得及把稿子浏览了一遍柯林斯高阶〔through〕She glanced quickly through the document.她快速过目了一遍文件。外研社新世纪〔tired〕We had to listen to the same old tired excuses again.我们只好又听了一遍那些老掉牙的借口。韦氏高阶〔top〕I searched the house from top to bottom.我把房子彻底搜查了一遍外研社新世纪〔top〕She cleaned the house from top to bottom.她把房子从上到下打扫了一遍外研社新世纪〔unimpressed〕They looked at the house, but they seemed unimpressed (by it).他们把房子看了一遍,但似乎感觉一般。剑桥高阶〔uselessly〕Uselessly, he checked the same pockets he'd checked before.他把先前检查过的那些口袋又查了一遍,毫无收获。柯林斯高阶〔view〕They came back to view the house again.他们又回来查看了一遍房子。柯林斯高阶〔wrinkle〕I went through my presentation to iron out any wrinkles. () 我将报告从头至尾检查了一遍,看看还有没有什么问题。牛津搭配He looked down the list but couldn't find his name.他看了一遍名单但是找不到他的名字。剑桥国际He went over the article again. 他把文章从头至尾又读了一遍译典通I had another look for the watch but I still can't find it.我又找了一遍手表可还是找不到。剑桥国际I scanned through the booklet but I couldn't find the address anywhere.我很快地翻阅了一遍小册子,但我怎么也找不到那个地址。剑桥国际Sarah gave me a very clear explanation of (= explained very clearly) how to find her house.萨拉清清楚楚向我讲解了一遍如何找到她家。剑桥国际She did a pencil drawing of the farmhouse and later inked it in (=used ink to draw over the lines).她用铅笔画了一间农舍,然后用墨描了一遍剑桥国际Since he had no time to read the book in detail, he just skimmed it. 由于他没有时间细读那本书,所以他只把它浏览了一遍译典通The actors walked through the play during rehearsal.排练时,演员们把整部戏都过了一遍剑桥国际The cashier recounted the money made that day. 收款人将那天赚的钱再数了一遍译典通The committee went over the minutiae of the report for what seemed like hours.委员会花费足有几个小时把报告的细节过了一遍剑桥国际The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again.学生们看起来很困惑,老师又解释了一遍剑桥国际

