
单词 有戏剧性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔art〕Will real life ever imitate art the way Hollywood wishes it would? 现实生活真的会像好莱坞影片希望的那样富有戏剧性吗?牛津搭配〔climax〕In a dramatic climax, our team lost by one goal.在富有戏剧性的高潮阶段,我们队以一球之差输掉了比赛。牛津搭配〔drama〕For all its drama, the event was not unexpected.虽然这件事带有戏剧性,但并不意外。柯林斯高阶〔slam-dunk〕Basketball A very dramatic, highly forceful dunk shot.【篮球】 灌篮:非常有戏剧性的、极其有力的扣篮美国传统〔slam-dunk〕Basketball To shoot (the ball) forcefully and dramatically into the basket.【篮球】 灌篮:把(蓝球)有力地并有戏剧性地投进篮筐里美国传统〔slam-dunk〕To make a very dramatic, highly forceful dunk shot.灌篮:做一记非常有戏剧性的、极其有力的扣篮美国传统〔sufficiency〕There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.这些人的生活富有戏剧性, 足以让你兴趣盎然。外研社新世纪

