
单词 新手
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕He's new in the job but he has plenty of self-confidence. 他在工作中是新手,但他很有自信。朗文写作活用〔CONFUSED〕The procedure can be a little confusing for beginners. 对新手来说,步骤可能有点难懂。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Older members of staff often pick on an apprentice and make his life a misery. 老员工常常找新手的岔子,弄得他们苦不堪言。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Don't be too hard on the guy, he's just a rookie. 不要对这小伙子要求太严了,他还是个新手朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕If you're a novice to working with computer graphics, you should buy this CD-ROM. 如果你是从事电脑图像工作的新手,就应该购买这张只读光盘。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Novice drivers are responsible for a large portion of all accidents. 所有交通事故中有很大一部分是由新手驾驶员造成的。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕The classes are designed for the uninitiated, starting with the basics of car mechanics. 这些学习班专为新手开设,从汽车结构的基础教起。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕Although she's a newcomer to the sport, she's already very successful. 虽然她在这项运动上是新手,但已经非常成功了。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕I was fifty and a comparative newcomer to computers. 我那时候50岁,在电脑方面相对来说是个新手朗文写作活用〔NEW〕The program is simple to use, even for newbies. 这个程序简单易用,即使新手也会用。朗文写作活用〔beginner's luck〕When I won the first contest I entered, he put it down to beginner's luck.我第一次参加比赛就获胜了,他认为这是新手的好运气。剑桥高阶〔beginner〕I am a complete beginner to bird-keeping.在养鸟方面,我完全是一个新手柯林斯高阶〔beginner〕One who is just starting to learn or do something; a novice.初学者:指刚刚开始学习或做某件事的人;新手美国传统〔bold〕Hiring a novice was a bold move.雇用新手是个大胆的举动。韦氏高阶〔bumble about〕Most of us are novices on the computer, just bumbling about on them.我们大多数人都是电脑新手, 只会胡乱敲打。外研社新世纪〔bumble around〕Most of us are novices on the computer — just bumbling about on them.我们大多数人都是电脑新手——只会到处瞎鼓捣。柯林斯高阶〔climber〕Novice climbers will find the trail markings helpful.登山新手会发现路标非常管用。外研社新世纪〔club together〕We clubbed together to buy him a new watch.我们凑钱给他买了块新手表。韦氏高阶〔colt〕A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.新手:年轻的无经验的人;新手美国传统〔comparative〕The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market(= other companies have been in business much longer).就软件市场来说,这家公司相对而言就是新手了。牛津高阶〔considering〕Considering he was new at the job, he did quite well.考虑到他是个新手,他已干得很不错了。英汉大词典〔cub〕A novice or learner, particularly in newspaper reporting.生手,新手新手或初学者,尤指报纸报导中的新手美国传统〔double-edged〕She paid me the double-edged compliment of saying my work was "excellent for a beginner." 她用“优秀的新手”这种毁誉参半的话来赞扬我的工作。剑桥高阶〔feeding〕Night feedings can be exhausting for new parents.夜间喂食对新手父母来说可能是极其累人的。剑桥高阶〔flash about〕He flashed around with his new watch.他戴着新手表到处炫耀。21世纪英汉〔flash〕He flashed around with his new watch.他戴着新手表到处炫耀。英汉大词典〔fledgling〕A young or inexperienced person.新手:未成年的或无经验的人美国传统〔game〕Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.别忘了她在这方面是个新手, 完成任务还需要一些时间。外研社新世纪〔greenhorn〕He's not the most sophisticated businessman you'll ever meet, but he's no greenhorn.他不是你将碰到的商人中最老练的,但他也绝不是新手韦氏高阶〔gusto〕With all the gusto of the novice, I accepted the responsibility.我以新手的全部热情接下了这一任务。英汉大词典〔half〕The group was about half and half, complete beginners and people with some experience.这个小组里有的完全是新手,有的有一些经验,差不多各占一半。朗文当代〔hand-holding〕New computer users often require a good deal of hand-holding.电脑新手常常需要大量手把手的指导。韦氏高阶〔herself〕She bought herself a new watch.她给自己买了一个新手表。文馨英汉〔inexperienced〕She's an inexperienced driver.她开车是新手韦氏高阶〔luck〕I don't know why I did so well-it must be beginner's luck.我不知道自己怎么做得这么好,这肯定是新手的好运气吧。牛津搭配〔many〕New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.新手司机所出的事故是熟练司机的两倍。牛津高阶〔mismatch〕Mismatching good horses with rookie jockeys could cause more accidents.将好马与新手骑师错配在一起可能会造成更多的事故。外研社新世纪〔neophyte〕The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts.这个网站给新手提供了向专家学习的机会。牛津高阶〔newbie〕All newbies are offered an individually tailored training programme.为所有的网上新手都量身定做的训练程序。外研社新世纪〔newbie〕One that is new to something, especially a novice at using computer technology or the Internet.菜鸟,新手新手,尤指刚会用计算机或刚会上网络的新手美国传统〔newbie〕She is a newbie on the Internet. = She's an Internet newbie.她是网络新手韦氏高阶〔newbie〕Stoll is no newbie. He built his first computer in the 1970s.斯托尔可不是网上新手。他20世纪70年代就组装了平生第一台电脑。外研社新世纪〔newbie〕The guide helps newbies understand the the latest social networking sites and apps.这本指南帮助网络新手了解社交网络的网址与应用。剑桥高阶〔newcomer〕Edwards is the only newcomer in an otherwise experienced side.爱德华兹是经验丰富的团队中唯一的新手麦克米伦高阶〔new〕Don't worry about it. You are still new to the job.别担心,做这项工作你还是个新手韦氏高阶〔new〕I should tell you, I'm completely new to this kind of work.我得告诉你,我干这活完全是个新手牛津高阶〔new〕It's not always easy being the new kid on the block.当新手并非总是件轻松的事。朗文当代〔novice〕A novice defence counsel could get you off on this evidence.一个还是新手的辩护律师也能凭此证据让你免于罪责。外研社新世纪〔novice〕A person new to a field or activity; a beginner.生手:刚进入某一领域或活动的人;新手美国传统〔novice〕Climbing in the Himalayas is not for novices.攀登喜马拉雅山脉并不适合新手麦克米伦高阶〔novice〕He's a novice in cooking.他是个烹调新手韦氏高阶〔novice〕I am not a total novice.我不全是个新手外研社新世纪〔novice〕I'm a complete novice at skiing.滑雪我完全是个新手牛津高阶〔novice〕I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.中尉, 在这些事上我是新手, 您是内行。外研社新世纪〔novice〕I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.中尉,做这些事情我是新手,你是行家。柯林斯高阶〔novice〕I'm still a complete novice at the sport.对于这项运动我还完全是个新手朗文当代〔novice〕I'm still a novice at the sport.在这项运动上我仍然是新手牛津搭配〔novice〕I've never driven a car before - I'm a complete novice.我以前从未开过车——完全是个新手剑桥高阶〔novice〕This plant can be difficult for novice gardeners to grow.让园艺新手来培育这种植物是相当有难度的。剑桥高阶〔novitiate〕The period of being a novice.见习期:做新手的时期美国传统〔off〕I got my new phone off the Internet.我的新手机是从网上买的。外研社新世纪〔profession〕They were mostly neophytes at their profession.他们多半是他们那行的新手英汉大词典〔rank〕You can't expect a rank beginner like her to know all the rules of the game.你不能要求像她这样彻头彻尾的新手能懂得行业所有的规矩。韦氏高阶〔rope〕The veteran cop showed the rookie the ropes.那位经验丰富的警察给新手演示办案的诀窍。韦氏高阶〔rotation〕The rotation included two rookies, Hernandez and Sounders.值轮班的人有两个新手 — 埃尔南德斯和桑德斯。朗文当代〔run〕How does your new watch run? 你的新手表走得怎么样?英汉大词典〔signify〕The white belt signifies that he's an absolute beginner.白腰带表示他完全是个新手牛津高阶〔sliced bread〕He reckons his new mobile phone is the best thing since sliced bread.他认为他的新手机是最好的。朗文当代〔state-of-the-art〕His new laptop is state-of-the-art.他那台新手提计算机是最先进的。朗文当代〔stranger〕She is no stranger to politics.她可不是政治上的新手外研社新世纪〔study〕Recent studies suggest that as many as 5 in 1,000 new mothers are likely to have this problem.最近的研究成果表明在1,000个新手妈妈中, 有5个可能存在这样的问题。外研社新世纪〔suspicious〕The medical establishment was very suspicious of the young upstart.医疗权威们对这个自命不凡的年轻新手不放心。外研社新世纪〔tenderfoot〕An inexperienced person; a novice.无经验的人;新手美国传统〔tenderfoot〕He had a tenderfoot on his hands.他有个新手需要照顾。英汉大词典〔the new kid on the block〕Realizing I was the new kid on the block in this job, I was determined to prove myself.意识到自己在这份工作上还是个新手之后,我下定决心要证明自己的能力。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.新手证明是队里最出色的击球员美国传统〔tyro〕I look forward to seeing this young tyro's next ballet.我期盼着看到这位舞蹈新手的下一支芭蕾。剑桥高阶〔tyro〕The tyro collected 16 touches and two goals last week against Hawthorn.那个新手在上周对阵霍桑队的比赛中共有16次触球和2粒进球。外研社新世纪〔video〕My new laptop handles video really well.我的新手提电脑很适合播放录像。剑桥高阶〔voluntary〕The hospital has asked various voluntary organizations to help raise money for the new operating theatre.医院已经请求各种志愿组织为筹建新手术室募集资金。剑桥高阶〔watch〕They have a rookie on the team who is fun to watch.他们队里有个新手看着挺好玩的。韦氏高阶〔wet behind the ears〕The young reporter was still wet behind the ears.这位年轻的记者还是个初出茅庐的新手韦氏高阶Almost all the new smart phones coming out of the factories have the water-resistant function. 几乎现在出厂的新手机都有防水功能。译典通Although she was a political novice, she was elected to parliament.虽然她是个政界新手,她还是被选进了国会。剑桥国际He averaged 14 strikeouts per game last season, which was the best rate for any starting pitcher in the league.在上一赛季中他平均每场比赛令对手14次三击不中,这对于联赛的投球新手来说是最好的成绩了。剑桥国际He is a freshman in the show business. 他在演艺界是一名新手译典通He is a green hand. 他是个新手译典通I guess he is a business tenderfoot. 我猜想他是生意场上的新手译典通I need a new pair of gloves.我需要一副新手套。剑桥国际I want to get a new pocketbook to go with these shoes.我想买一个新手提包来配这些鞋。剑桥国际I'm a bit of a greenhorn when it comes to skiing.我在滑雪方面是个新手剑桥国际Jim is still a colt at this job. 对这个工作来说,吉姆还是个新手译典通The American tennis champion predictably beat the British newcomer in the second round of the championship.美国网球冠军按预料在锦标赛第二轮击败了英国新手剑桥国际The new player is expected to debut in tonight's game.那位新手预计会在今晚的比赛中首次出场。剑桥国际The newspapers have been singing the praises of (= praising) Italy's new football player.报纸为意大利的足球新手唱赞歌。剑桥国际The old factory hands treat the tenderfoots like their slaves. 工厂里的老手拿新手当奴隶般对待。译典通These patients will benefit from a new operation to replace hopelessly damaged discs in the spine.这些病人能从一项替换严重受损脊椎片的新手术中获益。剑桥国际This is quite a difficult plant for novice gardeners to grow.让一个园艺新手来培植这种植物是相当困难的。剑桥国际This website offers technical advice to newbies.这个网站向网络新手提供技术建议。牛津商务When I won the first contest I entered, he put it down to beginner's luck (= unexpected and probably brief early success).当我第一次参加比赛就获胜时,他竟将其归因为新手的好运气。剑桥国际

