
单词 有关节
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕For advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic. 要获取有关节育的建议,可以和医生或本地计划生育所的人谈一谈。朗文写作活用〔arthritic〕Her hands were swollen and arthritic.她的手患有关节炎,肿得厉害。剑桥高阶〔coracoid〕A beak-shaped bone articulating with the scapula and sternum in most lower vertebrates, such as birds and reptiles.喙突:大多数低等脊椎动物(如鸟类和爬行动物)的一块喙状骨头,有关节与肩板及胸骨相连美国传统〔festal〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of a feast or festival; festive.节日的:节日的、有关节日的或节日本身的;节日似的美国传统〔festival〕Of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or festival; festive.节日的:节日的、有关节日的或适合于节日的;欢庆的美国传统〔festive〕Of, relating to, or appropriate for a feast or festival.欢宴的,节日的:欢宴的、有关节日的或适合于节日的美国传统〔grip〕She had arthritis in her left hand and couldn't grip properly.她左手有关节炎, 握不住东西。外研社新世纪〔jointed〕My doll has jointed legs and arms.我的玩偶腿跟手臂都有关节文馨英汉〔pincers〕The articulated, prehensile claws of certain arthropods, such as the lobster.虾或蟹的螯:节肢动物有关节、适抓握的虎钳牙,如龙虾美国传统〔unarticulated〕Biology Not having joints or segments.【生物学】 没有关节或体节的美国传统He suffers from arthritis in his leg joints. 他的腿有关节炎。译典通My mother is arthritic and her joints are swollen.我母亲患有关节炎,她的关节发肿。剑桥国际

