
单词 易主
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔change〕The house has changed hands several times in the last few years.这座房子最近几年已经几次易主麦克米伦高阶〔hand〕The house changed hands many times.这幢房屋曾多次易主英汉大词典〔keep on〕The chef was kept on even after the restaurant was sold.那家餐馆易主后,主厨还是留了下来。韦氏高阶〔keep〕Most employees will keep their jobs when the company changes hands.公司易主时,大部分员工将继续从事现有的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔tin parachute〕An employment agreement that guarantees a severance payment to employees who are dismissed after a company has had a change in ownership.锡降落伞遣散费,高额资遣费:一种聘用合约内容,合约中规定,一旦公司经营权易主而使被聘用者失业,则须支付其一笔遣散费美国传统The deal was largely financed by/with/through a share issue.这笔交易主要靠发行股票筹措资金。牛津商务

