
单词 双唇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in.用唇线笔勾出双唇的轮廓,然后涂上唇膏。柯林斯高阶〔REMEMBER〕The next morning, on his way to the office, he could still feel the touch of her lips on his. 第二天早晨去上班的路上,他依然能体味到她的双唇贴在自己唇上的感觉。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕Her flushed cheeks, wide eyes, and slightly opened mouth made her look sexy. 她泛红的脸颊,大大的眼睛,双唇微启,看上去很性感。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕He slumped further forward, his lips parted and his eyes closed. 他又往前倒伏,双唇张开,两眼紧闭。朗文写作活用〔bilabial〕A bilabial sound or consonant.双唇音或辅音美国传统〔bilabial〕English bilabials such as /b/, /p/, and /m/ 英语里的双唇音,如/b/、/p/和/m/韦氏高阶〔brush〕She knelt and brushed her lips softly across Michael's cheek.她跪下身来, 双唇轻柔地滑过迈克尔的脸颊。外研社新世纪〔chap〕His lips were chapped from cold climate.他的双唇因天气寒冷皲裂了。英汉大词典〔chap〕The headwind chapped the cyclist's lips.骑车人的双唇因顶风而皲裂了美国传统〔clamping〕He clamped his lips together.他紧闭双唇柯林斯高阶〔clamp〕He clamped his lips together.他紧闭双唇外研社新世纪〔clamp〕He clamped his mouth shut and refused to speak.他双唇紧闭,不肯讲话。韦氏高阶〔clamp〕Her lips clamped tightly together.她的双唇紧闭。牛津高阶〔compress〕Her lips compressed into a thin line.她的双唇抿成了一道缝。牛津高阶〔compress〕Isabel nodded, her lips compressed.伊莎贝尔点了点头,双唇紧闭。朗文当代〔compress〕She compressed her lips.她双唇紧闭。韦氏高阶〔dewy〕Her dewy lips were parted.她张开了水嫩的双唇外研社新世纪〔fear〕She pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news.她紧闭双唇, 好像害怕泄露她的消息。外研社新世纪〔fear〕She pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news.她闭紧双唇,仿佛害怕透露出她的消息。柯林斯高阶〔form〕A smile formed on his lips.他的双唇露出微笑。麦克米伦高阶〔hunch〕Mike hunched close to him to watch his lips.迈克向他挪近一步察看他的双唇英汉大词典〔keep back〕Her lips tightened to keep back the angry words.她抿紧双唇, 强忍着不发脾气。外研社新世纪〔kiss〕Brandon slowly kissed her lips.布兰登款款亲吻了她的双唇牛津搭配〔kiss〕He kissed her long and hard on the mouth.他久久地深吻她的双唇牛津搭配〔kiss〕He kissed her on the lips.他吻了她的双唇麦克米伦高阶〔lip〕Botany One of the two divisions of bilabiate corolla or calyx, as in the snapdragon, or the modified upper petal of an orchid flower.【植物学】 唇瓣:双唇花冠或花萼两部分之一,如金鱼草或兰花的装饰性上部花瓣美国传统〔lip〕His thin red lips stretched into a smile.他咧开薄薄的红润双唇,微微一笑。麦克米伦高阶〔lip〕She smiled and then kissed his lips.她微笑了一下,然后吻了他的双唇牛津搭配〔lip〕The firm lips pouted in a sulk.紧闭的双唇因为生闷气噘了起来。牛津搭配〔lip〕Wade stuck the cigarette between his lips.韦德双唇夹着雪茄。外研社新世纪〔luscious〕What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips! 我最喜欢的是盖比那性感饱满的双唇柯林斯高阶〔luscious〕What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips!我最喜欢加比的是她那饱满性感的双唇外研社新世纪〔meet〕Her lips met mine.她的双唇触到了我的双唇麦克米伦高阶〔mouth〕Her mouth suddenly set in a determined line.她突然双唇紧闭,神态坚决。牛津搭配〔mouth〕His mouth compressed into a thin, hard line.他紧抿双唇牛津搭配〔parched〕He licked his lips to moisten his parched mouth.他舔了舔双唇, 以便润湿干燥的嘴。外研社新世纪〔parched〕She licked her parched lips.她舔了舔干裂的双唇牛津高阶〔parched〕She touched her wet fingertips to her parched lips.她用湿润的指尖摸了摸干燥的双唇外研社新世纪〔part〕Her lips parted as if she were about to take a deep breath.她双唇张开, 似乎马上要深吸一口气。外研社新世纪〔peak〕She pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows.她紧闭美丽的双唇,竖起眉毛。21世纪英汉〔perceptible〕His lips curved in a barely perceptible smile.他的双唇弯了弯,露出了几乎难以察觉的笑容。牛津搭配〔play〕A knowing smile played on/about her lips.她的双唇露出一丝会心的微笑。韦氏高阶〔pout〕Her full lips pouted slightly.她丰满的双唇微微撅起。朗文当代〔pout〕Her lips pouted in expectation of a kiss.她撅起双唇等待一吻。英汉大词典〔pout〕Her lips pouted invitingly.她挑逗地撮起双唇牛津高阶〔pout〕Her lips were set in a pout of annoyance.她愠恼地撅起了双唇牛津高阶〔pout〕The model pouted for the cameras.模特隆起双唇拍照。韦氏高阶〔press〕Her lips softly pressed my cheek.她的双唇柔和地贴在我脸颊上。牛津搭配〔press〕His lips were pressed tightly together.他紧抿双唇英汉大词典〔press〕She pressed her lips together.她紧抿着双唇牛津搭配〔press〕She pressed her lips together.她紧抿着双唇牛津高阶〔puckered〕She puckered her lips into a rosebud and kissed him on the nose.她双唇努起犹如一朵玫瑰花蕾,在他的鼻子上吻了一下。柯林斯高阶〔pucker〕She puckered up her lips for a good-bye kiss.她嘟起双唇准备吻别。英汉大词典〔purse〕Her lips purse a little.她双唇微微噘起。21世纪英汉〔purse〕Her lips purses a little.她双唇微微噘起。英汉大词典〔purse〕His lips were tightly pursed.他双唇紧绷。韦氏高阶〔quiver〕Her lips quivered when she heard the bad news.听到这个坏消息后她双唇颤抖。韦氏高阶〔set〕He set his lips firmly.他紧闭双唇韦氏高阶〔set〕Her lips set grimly.她双唇紧抿着,神情严峻。英汉大词典〔shut〕I clamped my mouth shut.我双唇紧闭。牛津搭配〔slack〕She was staring into space, her mouth slack.她双唇微张,失神地望着前方。牛津高阶〔thermometer〕Thermometers sink to 30 ℉ below zero; breath freezes on noses and lips.寒暑表下降到零下30华氏度,一呼吸鼻子和双唇就结冰。英汉大词典〔tight-lipped〕He was sitting at the other end of the table, tight-lipped and angry.他坐在桌子的另一头, 双唇紧闭, 满面怒容。外研社新世纪〔tight-lipped〕He was sitting at the other end of the table, tight-lipped and angry.他坐在桌子的另一头,双唇紧闭,满面怒容。柯林斯高阶〔tight-lipped〕He was tight-lipped in concentration.他双唇紧闭,凝神思考。韦氏高阶〔tightlipped〕She smiled her careful tightlipped smile.她紧闭双唇很不自然地一笑。英汉大词典〔tremor〕An uncontrollable tremor shook his mouth.他的双唇控制不住地颤抖。牛津搭配〔white〕She was white, and her lips were pale.她面色苍白,双唇没有血色。剑桥高阶〔work〕Her lips worked with emotion.她因激动而致双唇抽动。文馨英汉Her lips pursed a little. 她双唇微微噘起。译典通On his wall he has a poster of Marilyn Monroe, her lips forever parted in anticipation.他墙头挂着一张玛丽莲·梦露的海报,她的双唇永远期盼地分开着。剑桥国际She ran her tongue over her lips in anticipation.她期盼地用舌头舔舔双唇剑桥国际Your lips are an erogenous zone (= an area of your body from which you can get sexual pleasure).人的双唇是性感区域。剑桥国际

