
单词 去看医生了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔do〕Mum's not doing well – she was back at the doctor's yesterday.妈妈身体不太好——她昨天又去看医生了外研社新世纪〔pain〕He went to the doctor with chest pains.他胸部疼痛,去看医生了牛津搭配〔remind〕Oh, that reminds me. I have to go see my doctor.喔,对了,我得去看医生了英汉大词典〔somewhat〕Molly finally agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to go and see a doctor.莫莉最终同意去看医生了,尽管有点勉强。麦克米伦高阶He went to see a doctor at the onset of a fever. 他开始发烧时便去看医生了译典通She didn't want to be seen visiting the doctor. 她不想被人看到她去看医生了剑桥国际

