
单词 卷饼
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Parker House roll〕A yeast-leavened roll, shaped by folding a flat round of dough in half.派克饭店卷饼:一种用酵母发松形状是对折一块薄面皮的卷饼美国传统〔bagel〕A glazed, ring-shaped roll with a tough, chewy texture, made from plain yeast dough that is dropped briefly into nearly boiling water and then baked.硬面包圈:一种浇上糖浆的,质地坚韧耐嚼的环状卷饼,由不着色的酵母面做成,只需简单地将酵母面放入近于烧开的水中,然后烘烤美国传统〔chimichanga〕A deep-fried burrito.面卷饼:一种煎得很透的面卷饼美国传统〔empanada〕A Spanish or Latin-American turnover with a flaky crust and a spicy or sweet filling.甜馅卷饼:一种西班牙或拉丁美洲的卷饼,带有片状脆片和香料或甜味馅美国传统〔enchilada〕A tortilla rolled and stuffed usually with a mixture containing meat or cheese and served with a sauce spiced with chili.玉米卷饼:一种卷肉的辣薄玉米饼,通常包卷及填充混有肉、奶酪的馅,且常蘸着辣酱食用美国传统〔pasty〕A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish.肉馅饼:馅饼或半圆形卷饼,尤指内有加了调料的肉体或鱼的美国传统〔pierogi〕A semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, such as finely chopped meat or vegetables, that is often sautéed after being boiled.俄式肉馅小卷饼:里面包有各种像是碎肉或蔬菜等材料的半圆形包饼,通常是煮熟后再煎的美国传统〔pretzel〕A glazed, brittle biscuit that is salted on the outside and usually baked in the form of a loose knot or a stick.椒盐卷饼:外表面加盐,浇过糖浆的脆饼,常打成松散的节状或棍状后烧烤美国传统〔samosa〕A small fried turnover of Indian origin that is filled with seasoned vegetables or meat and served hot.萨摩萨饼:一种传自于印第安人的小炸半圆形卷饼,填有调过味的蔬菜或肉,热食美国传统〔serving〕The bag contains six servings of pretzels.袋子里有6份椒盐卷饼麦克米伦高阶〔substantial〕Do you have anything more substantial than these pretzels? 你有比这些椒盐卷饼更解饿的食物吗?麦克米伦高阶〔taqueria〕A place where tacos, burritos, and other Mexican dishes are made and sold.墨西哥餐点铺:制做及贩卖塔可饼(炸玉米卷)、墨西哥卷饼及其它墨西哥式餐点的地方美国传统

