
单词 受酷刑
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SYMPATHIZE〕What are you doing now to show compassion toward the victims of torture? 你现在做些什么来表达你对受酷刑者的同情呢?朗文写作活用〔deny〕Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也决不放弃自己的信念/信仰。剑桥高阶〔torture〕Political opponents of the regime may be tortured.这个政权的政治异己可能会遭受酷刑朗文当代〔torture〕The prisoners were routinely tortured.囚犯经常遭受酷刑牛津搭配〔wheel〕An instrument to which a victim was bound for torture during the Middle Ages.轮式刑车:中世纪时将受刑者缚于其上受酷刑的一种装置美国传统

