
单词 或争论
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bone〕Grounds for a complaint or dispute.抱怨或争论的理由美国传统〔chaffer〕To bargain or haggle for.讨价还价或争论不休美国传统〔exceptionable〕Open or liable to objection or debate; objectionable or debatable.可反对的:公开或倾向于反对或争论的;可反对的或可争辩的美国传统〔interpose〕To insert a remark, a question, or an argument.插嘴:插入言语、问题、或争论美国传统〔make〕To cause a disturbance or controversy.引起混乱或争论美国传统〔miff〕A petty quarrel or argument; a tiff.无谓的争吵:不重要的争吵或争论;口角美国传统〔set-to〕A brief, usually heated conflict or argument.争执:短而激烈的冲突或争论美国传统〔storm center〕A center of trouble, disturbance, or argument.骚乱中心:纷乱,动乱或争论的中心美国传统〔underlining〕Emphasis or stress, as in instruction or argument.指令或争论中的强调美国传统〔war〕In an active state of conflict or contention.处于交战状态:处于一种冲突或争论的活跃状态美国传统

