
单词 狂暴的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLOW〕The raging torrent had been reduced to no more than a trickle. 狂暴的急流减弱了,至多只剩涓涓细流。朗文写作活用〔berserk〕One that is violent, upset, or unrestrained.发狂的人:狂暴的,混乱的或无节制的人美国传统〔boisterous〕Rough and stormy; violent.粗鲁的,狂暴的;暴力的美国传统〔cataract〕The boat was swept into a raging cataract.小船被卷入到狂暴的瀑布中。外研社新世纪〔discredit〕Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support.狂暴的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。牛津高阶〔ferment〕A state of agitation or of turbulent change or development.骚动,动乱:激动不安或狂暴的变化或发展的状态美国传统〔mask〕His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.他冷静超然的伪装破碎了,一瞬间她的面前出现了一个愤怒而又狂暴的男人。柯林斯高阶〔rioter〕Rampaging prisoners ran riot through Strangeways jail.斯特兰韦斯监狱里那些狂暴的囚犯们全都失去了控制。柯林斯高阶〔truculent〕Disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce.狂暴的:显示毁灭性的;残忍的美国传统〔tumultuous〕Confusedly or violently agitated.狂暴的,激烈的:极其激动的;疯狂激动的美国传统〔turtleback〕Nautical An arched structure erected over the deck of a ship as protection from heavy seas.【航海】 龟背甲板:船的甲板上拱形的结构,可保护船在狂暴的海上航行美国传统These attacks are believed to have been carried out by a rabid nationalist/racist/anti-semitic group.这些攻击据信系一个狂暴的民族主义/种族主义/反犹太人组织所为。剑桥国际

